- JDK11 or above, set system environment variable JAVA_HOME=${JDK11_PATH}
- MAVEN3 or above, set system environment variable MAVEN_HOME=${MAVEN3_PATH}
Start App with command: mvnw spring-boot:run, it will start up a local rest api service
call API with single policy JSON data as request body, it returns the missed fields as JSON string. E.g:
URL: "http://localhost:8080/api/findMissingFields/colonel"
Request Type: PUT
Request Body:{ "policyId": "9afe73e5-77c9-4677-ba5f-1b9e807396a0", "issuer": "nationwide", "issueDate": "2021-01-21", "renewalDate": "2021-07-22", "policyTermMonths": 6, "premiumCents": 49234, "policyHolder": { "address": { "number": "292", "street": "Hillside Way Apt 398", "suffix": "S", "city": "Pierce", "state": "IA", "zip": "30328" }, "email": "[email protected]" }, "operators": [ { "isPrimary": true, "name": { "firstName": "Caroline", "middleName": "", "lastName": "White" }, "birthdayRange": { "start": "1988-05-22", "end": "1989-05-21" }, "gender": "female", "driversLicenseState": "IA", "driversLicenseStatus": "ValidUSLicense", "driversLicenseNumber": "11212211633", "relationship": "Named Insured" } ]
The policy above missed policy holder's name, it will return:
# Test Cases
1. Run test with command: mvnw test
1. For time limited, it only implemented API for "Colonel", the API for "Ranchers" was created: "http://localhost:8080/api/findMissingFields/ranchers", but it will always return "{}";
2. For "Colonel", if policy holder's driver license is empty or if the license number contains "XXXX", then it thinks the driver license number is not valid, but there should be a fully driver license expression to validate it.
### Reference Documentation
For further reference, please consider the following sections:
* [Official Apache Maven documentation](https://maven.apache.org/guides/index.html)
* [Spring Boot Maven Plugin Reference Guide](https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/2.4.5/maven-plugin/reference/html/)
* [Create an OCI image](https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/2.4.5/maven-plugin/reference/html/#build-image)