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Dotfiles for Christopher Giroir [email protected]


  • Able to bootstrap a new Mac machine or Linux server easily with no dependencies other than curl or wget.
  • Not having to keep entire home directory in git (as I used to do)
  • Keeping external dependencies and custom scripts to a minimum



Dependencies: a posix sh and curl or wget

On a mac laptop:

curl -o- | sh -s mac

On a server:

curl -o- | sh -s server

If you need to use wget the commands become:

wget -O - | sh mac
wget -O - | sh server


The bootstrap will run an install initially for you, but at that point you can easily remove or install packages yourself. There is a script available that will setup the base mac or server package lists as well. Please note that if you aren't in a terminal with $STOW_DIR set to ~/.dotfiles (which is done by my ~/.env file) then you'll need to provide a -d ~/.dotfiles to all stow commands.

# Install the bash package
stow bash

# Reinstall the bash package
# this removes old symlinks as well as places new ones
stow -R bash

# Remove the bash package
stow -D bash

# List packages (only in zsh)
# this is an alias in $DOTFILES/zsh/.zsh/aliases.zsh

# Install mac packages (zsh script)
$DOTFILES/install mac

# Install server packages (zsh script)
$DOTFILES/install server


Updating the dot files is as easy as running:

pushd $DOTFILES && git pull && popd

Updating all apple / brew / ruby and node packages on your machine can be done by running:


Apple and brew updates are done all the time, ruby and node are only done if those dotfile packages are currently stowed.


These are other solutions for storing your dotfiles:

  • rcm rc file management utilities