This project is about understanding the way these functions work, implementing and learning to use them.
Your will create your own library.
isalpha | memset | tolower | strlen |
isalnum | bzero | strchr | toupper |
isdigit | memcpy | strrchr | strnstr |
isalnum | memmove | strncmp | atoi |
isascii | strlcpy | memchr | calloc |
isprint | strlcat | memcmp | strdup |
ft_substr | ft_split | ft_striteri | ft_putendl_fd |
ft_strjoin | ft_itoa | ft_putchar_fd | ft_putnbr_fd |
ft_strtrim | ft_strmapi | ft_putstr_fd |
ft_lstnew | ft_lstmap | ft_lstdelone | ft_putendl_fd |
ft_lstadd_front | ft_lstlast | ft_lstclear | ft_putnbr_fd |
ft_lstsize | ft_lstadd_back | ft_lstiter |