- South of Korea
- https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Minhhuy_Le
A Library for Differentiable Logic Gate Networks
kebitmatf / difflogic
Forked from Felix-Petersen/difflogicA Library for Differentiable Logic Gate Networks
This is a list of interesting papers and projects about TinyML.
Syllabus, schedule, resources etc. for TinyML study group
Một cuốn sách về Học Sâu đề cập đến nhiều framework phổ biến, được sử dụng trên 300 trường Đại học từ 55 đất nước bao gồm MIT, Stanford, Harvard, và Cambridge.
A MATLAB toolbox for iPPG analysis. The toolbox includes implementations of commonly used methods.
Always sparse. Never dense. But never say never. A Sparse Training repository for the Adaptive Sparse Connectivity concept and its algorithmic instantiation, i.e. Sparse Evolutionary Training, to b…
A Tensorflow re-implementation of the paper Convolutional Neural Networks for Steady Flow Approximation
Introduction to generative adversarial networks, with code to accompany the O'Reilly tutorial on GANs
Technically-oriented PDF Collection (Papers, Specs, Decks, Manuals, etc)
TensorFlow Neural Machine Translation Tutorial
kebitmatf / meshzoo
Forked from meshpro/meshzooSome examples for mesh generation in Python
TensorFlow Tutorials with YouTube Videos
TensorFlow Tutorial and Examples for Beginners (support TF v1 & v2)
Simple tutorials using Google's TensorFlow Framework
kebitmatf / android_guides
Forked from codepath/android_guidesExtensive Open-Source Guides for Android Developers
Extensive Open-Source Guides for Android Developers