This is the documentation for all the mods that I've done on my ender 3 over 4 years (since 2020).
- CR-touch
- Dual Z axis
- Flexible PEI bed
- Silicon Bed Spacers
- BTT smart filament sensor
- Bottom PSU mount
- Tall legs
- Inset display mount
- BTT Manta E3EZ + CM1 Board
- Sprite Pro Extruder
- Spriteburner Mod (with 5010 fan)
- Bimetal Heatbreak
- Hardened Steel Nozzle
- Klipper!! (offcourse)
- Linear X Axis Rails
- Fiament Dryer
- Crafting Knife
- ADXL sensors
- Webcam feed
- Obico server
- Linear Y axis rails
- Load Cell based Z Offset on Hotbed (Can be based on PRtouch on Ender 3v3 se/ke )
- BTT Eddy
- Linear Z axis rails (actually this seem to be more important than Y axis, because Z v-slot wheels seems to loosen up due to added weight, and needs to be tightened as a regular maintenance every few months)
- Silicon Bed Spacers
- BiMetal Heatbreak
- CR-Touch
- BTT Manta E3EZ + CB1 Board
- Sprite Pro Extruder
- Flexible PEI Buildplate
- Hardened Steel Nozzle
- Spriteburner Mod (5010 fan version)
- Dual Z mod
- Bottom PSU Mount
- Linear X axis rails
- Linear Z axis
- Linear Y axis
- BTT filament sensor
- Filament dryer
- Y axis linear rails (it really improves print quality, but I am waiting for linear rails compatible with load cell sensors)
- BTT eddy
- BTT eddy (recommended to buy a flat usb 3 angle connector because the mcu enclosure box doesn't leave much room left for connecting anything on the USB ports)
- PEZ (Polyurea) build plate
- ceramic hotend
- custom nozzle wiper mount
- conditional turn off of filament sensor at layer 0-2 and turn on at layer 3
- custom cable organizer