A minimalistic modular kanban web application, made for self-deploy. Free and open source.
- automatically scaled, nothing to maintain
- costs nothing*(aws monthly free tier)
- responsive, fully compatible for mobile
Made possible with IAC(sst), serverless, nosql, and typical react stuff. Originally made this for my team. Useful for small teams with tons of tasks to keep track of, but don't feel like paying saas nor maintaining server from self-hosting.
- have an aws account and configured AWS CLI in your machine
git clone [email protected]:kayden1940/shrimple-kanban.git
sst secret set Password password-here --stage=production
sst deploy --stage production
A good idea to help categorizing and searching.
- Dynamodb table for storing all related data of the board.
- Lambda functions for api, accessing above table and the password.
- S3, storing encrypted password and the SPA.
- Cloudfront, cdn of the SPA.
IAC in sst v3.
- React 19
- Tailwind v4
- Xstate v5
- Pragmatic drag and drop
- Vite
- Some util libraries
I made this in a rush so the code rn is a bit rough, will be refactoring it at some point.