Code Review Me" is a website where developers of all seniorities can assist others in enhancing their merge requests and refining their skills through challenges. Our mission is to create a more understanding world where merge request comments are constructive rather than toxic, genuinely contributing to the improvement of code quality.
Our guiding principles:
- Senior signifies mentorship
- Junior signifies potential
- Emphasize repetition
This configuration is required to run locally the project, in the future my plan is to make a dockerfile to handle all of this.
Future me: I did it! I implemented a Docker file for this. 😏
#SERVER CONFIG - I recommned 9090 but you literally can put whatever you need in this section
If you prefer, you can opt for Docker instead, as we've implemented a new setup for it. The only requirement is to update the ENV values to match those in your .env file.
ENV DATABASE_URL="postgresql://<user>:<password>@HOST:<db_post>/<db_name>"
ENV HOST_PORT=<app-port>
ENV SALT=<salt-value>
You can work directly with your credentials if needed, as they are free.
We are using Yarn to controll all the dependencies, please don't change this and don't create Pull Request when you're using NPM or it will be rejected.
npm install --global yarn
yarn install
We're having a very bad way to transform .ts to .js, since I need to make a depth research about running TypeScript in a correct way, right now I created two scripts to handle this process this will be better in the future believe me.
cd /server
yarn run ts
The only thing you need to keep if you run this commands after configured the .env file, then you will be able to see the database created in your PG-Adming if you're using it
yarn run prisma:format // Format prisma code
yarn run prisma:generate // Generate prisma code
yarn run prisma:migrate:dev // Create databases
If everything went well, you can run this command to have everything working in PORT. Use this command in case you're using docker
docker run -p <port>:<port> <docker_img_name/docker_img_id)
// In case you're no using docker, remember to run yarn run ts first
cd server
yarn run js
- Improve the way we run the .ts files
- We need a better systems for the quickJs Env
Any information that is related to a bug or something like that can be known by doing an issue, you're free to do it I will check it out.