An implementation of the HTTP/2 protocol in .NET Core
The first release of this project, v0.1.0, was developed in a span of ten days.
Further development is, for now, not planned, but some small improvements may come from time to time.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See usage for notes on how to use the library in your system.
To run a server based on this library you must have .NET Core Runtime 2.1-Preview2 or newer installed, as this is the earliest version of .NET Core supporting SSL connection with ALPN negotiation.
As this library runs on a preview of the latest .NET Core, we do not have any continuous integration.
Clone solution from Github.
Name | Description |
Server() |
Initializes a new instance of the Server class that finds a local IP and sets certificat to default = null. |
Server(String) |
Initializes a new instance of the Server class and sets the specific IP. Certificat is set to default = null. |
Server(X509Certificate2) |
Initializes a new instance of the Server class, finds a local IP and sets certificat to the specified X509Certificate2. |
Server(String,X509Certificate2) |
Initializes a new instance of the Server class, sets specified IP and sets certificat to the specified X509Certificate2. |
Name | Description |
Port |
The port the server is listening to. |
UseGzip |
Whether or not the server is using GZip |
UseDebugDirectory |
If false the server will look for the web application directory in the directory its running the cs file from, if true it will try to adjust to the output directory of Visual Studio |
Name | Description |
Listen(int) |
Starts listening to given port. |
Get(string, RestURI.HTTPMethod) |
Returns the data from given url. |
Post(string, RestURI.HTTPMethod) |
Posts data to given url. |
Use(string) |
Sets the path to the web application directory (defaults to "WebApp") |
using System;
using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
using lib;
namespace Example
class ExampleServer
static void Main(string[] args)
//Creating the certificate
var serverCertificate = new X509Certificate2("Certificate/TcpTLSServer_TemporaryKey.pfx", "1234");
//Creating the server
Server server = new Server( serverCertificate); // serverCertificate);
//test Get method
server.Get("testurl", (req, res) => {
res.Send("get from test url");
//test Post method
server.Post("testurl", (req, res) => {
res.Send($"post from test url, {req.BodyAsString()}");
//test sending JSON object
server.Get("jsonobject", (req, res) =>
res.Send("{ \"name\":\"Jone\", \"age\":39, \"car\":null }");
//Server starts listening to port, and responding to webpage.
Run with docker compose (from project root):
docker-compose up
Connect with browser: https://localhost
The test is not opimized for HTTP2's specific functionality. The test is using network communication. For better accuracy minimize your network traffic before starting the test.
Run benchmark with docker compose (from project root):
docker-compose -f docker-compose.bench.yml up --build
Results first benchmark:
finished in 5.88s, 17.00 req/s, 51.31MB/s
requests: 100 total, 100 started, 100 done, 100 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 errored, 0 timeout
status codes: 100 2xx, 0 3xx, 0 4xx, 0 5xx
traffic: 301.84MB (316504680) total, 1.37KB (1400) headers (space savings 56.25%), 301.67MB (316327780) data
min max mean sd +/- sd
time for request: 260.11ms 5.21s 3.33s 1.23s 70.00%
time for connect: 495.84ms 1.44s 684.18ms 261.75ms 90.00%
time to 1st byte: 743.03ms 2.76s 1.38s 551.19ms 70.00%
req/s : 1.70 2.59 1.98 0.31 80.00%
Tests for this library are placed in its own project, UnitTesting.csproj. To run our tests you can open the solution in in Visual Studio 2017 and either;
TestHPack(), tests encoding and decoding of headers
Http2.Hpack.Decoder decoder = new Http2.Hpack.Decoder();
Http2.Hpack.Encoder encoder = new Http2.Hpack.Encoder();
Http2.Hpack.Encoder.Result encodeResult = encoder.EncodeInto(headerBlockFragment, headers);
Http2.Hpack.DecoderExtensions.DecodeFragmentResult decodeResult = decoder.DecodeHeaderBlockFragment(new ArraySegment<byte>(buffer, 0, buffer.Length), maxHeaderFieldsSize, headers);
TestAddSettingsPayload(), adds settings payload to a frame and then reads it out.
var settings = new(ushort, uint)[] { (SETTINGS_INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZE, 0x1000), (SETTINGS_ENABLE_PUSH, 0x0) };
SettingsPayload sp = frame.GetSettingsPayloadDecoded();
Assert.Equal(settings, sp.Settings);
TestAddRSTPayload(), adds reset paylaod to a frame and reads it out.
RSTStreamPayload rp = frame.GetRSTStreamPayloadDecoded();
Assert.Equal(error, rp.ErrorCode);
TestAddPushPromisePayload(), adds pushpromise paylaod to a frame and reads it out.
frame.AddPushPromisePayload(psi, hbf, endHeaders: true);
PushPromisePayload pp = frame.GetPushPromisePayloadDecoded();
Assert.Equal(psi, pp.PromisedStreamID);
Assert.Equal(hbf, pp.HeaderBlockFragment);
Assert.Equal(0, pp.PadLength);
TestAddDataPayload(), adds pushpromise paylaod to a frame and reads it out.
frame.AddDataPayload(ExtractBytes(data), paddingLength:16);
dp = frame.GetDataPayloadDecoded();
Assert.Equal(ExtractBytes(data), dp.Data);
Assert.Equal(0, dp.PadLength);
TestSplit32BitToBoolAnd31bitInt(), seperates the first bit from an integer.
uint _uint = 0b10000000000000000000000000000000;
int test = (int)(_uint | 0b01111000000000000000000000000000); // 1 and 2013265920
var t = Split32BitToBoolAnd31bitInt(test);
Assert.True(2013265920 == t.int31);
TestExtractBytes(), converts a long, an int or a short into byte arrays.
short s = 12364;
b = ExtractBytes(s);
Assert.Equal(BitConverter.ToInt16(b, 0),s);
TestConvertFromIncompleteByteArray(), converts byte array of 1-4 bytes into an int
int i = 1823423647;
var b = BitConverter.GetBytes(i);
Assert.Equal(ConvertFromIncompleteByteArray(b), i);
TestConvertToBytes(), Converts integer to bytearray
int i = 19;
var b = BitConverter.GetBytes(i);
Assert.Equal(b, ConvertToByteArray(i));
TestCombineHeaderPayloads(), combines the payloads from a header frame and potentally the following continuations frames to get the complete headerlist.
var continuation = new HTTP2Frame(28).AddContinuationFrame(continuationData, true);
var total = CombineHeaderPayloads(header, continuation);
Assert.Equal(CombineByteArrays(headerData, continuationData),total);
TestPriorityPayload(), adds priotiry payload to frame.
PriorityPayload pp = frame.GetPriorityPayloadDecoded();
Assert.Equal(sid, pp.StreamDependency);
Assert.Equal(28, pp.Weight);
TestHeaderPayload(), adds header payload to frame.
byte[] data = { 1, 2, 3, 4 };
HTTP2Frame frame = new HTTP2Frame(1).AddHeaderPayload(data, 2, true, true);
HeaderPayload hh = frame.GetHeaderPayloadDecoded();
TestRestURI(), adds several HTTP-methods to different URLs and and then checks if they are there.
RestLibrary.AddURI("GET", "shoppinglists/", (req, res) => res.Send("List of shoppinglists"));
Assert.True(RestLibrary.HasMethod("GET", "shoppinglists"));
- Starting HTTP/2 for "http" URIs, ref RFC7540 Section 3.2
- Starting HTTP/2 for "https" URIs, ref RFC7540 Section 3.3
- HTTP/2 Connection Preface, ref RFC7540 Section 3.5
- Frame format (Encoding and Decoding), ref RFC7540 Section 4.1
- Header Compression and Decompression (from NuGet), ref RFC7540 Section 4.3
Frame Definitions RFC7540 Section 6
- All.
- Stream States, ref RFC7540 Section 5.1
- Flow Control, ref RFC7540 Section 5.2
- Server Push (Depending on Push_Promise), ref RFC7540 Section 8.2
- REST-services
- GZip encoding.
- ...
- Find out why Push_Promise doesn't work.
- Further implementations of Stream states, and dependency weighting.
- Error handling
- Cleanup classes
- Further debugging
- Write more tests (e.g. end to end tests)
- Create a better testing enviorment.
- NuGet - Dependency Management
We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
- Karl Peter Skjelvik - Initial work - Kape142
- Jone Vassbø - Initial work - JoneV
- Martin Wangen - Initial work - SulFaX
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
- A thanks to Matthias247 whose hpack implementation we used in this project to compress headers.
- A thanks to samuelneff whose Mime type mapping we used in this project.