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AdventureWorks Product Review App

Online Product Review Service:

  • accepts product reviews
  • scans the review for any inappropriate language
  • posts the review live once approved or archives if not approved and notifies the reviewer via email (simulated) once the review status has been finalized

Technology stack

  • Maven
  • Spring Boot 2.1.1
  • Java 8
  • JPA/Hibernate
  • PostgreSQL
  • Spring Rest
  • Spring Security
  • Spring Test
  • Redis Pub/Sub
  • Log4j2
  • Swagger 2


# From project directory run the following commands

# Build a project and skip tests (you don't have your local env)
./mvnw clean install -DskipTests

# Create and start all the services
docker-compose up

Local Environment


  • Install PostgreSQL (port: 5432)
  • Install Redis (port: 6379)

Database Setup

# Open command line from project directory and Login to PostgreSQL server
psql -U postgres -h localhost

# Create User
CREATE USER adv_user WITH password 'adv_pass';

# Create Database
CREATE DATABASE adv_works OWNER adv_user;

# Grant privileges

# Logout from PostgreSQL server

# Create Database Data
psql -U adv_user -d adv_works -a -f postgres-db/init.sql

Build and Run

Build the project:

# From project directory run
./mvnw clean install

Run the app:

# Run the application (Maven)
./mvnw spring-boot:run

# Run the application (Java)
java -jar target/adventureworks-1.0.jar


Swagger UI endpoint: http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html

Swagger docs endpoint: http://localhost:8080/v2/api-docs

Logs available under /logs folder


  1. The project has its own unit tests that are run during build

    # Run all the unit test classes
    ./mvnw test
  2. You can test sample product review request using Postman by importing and running adv_works.postman_collection.json into it.

  3. Or you can use CURL

    Submit a product review via HTTP

    # Authenticate and save the cookie
    curl -i -X POST -d username=advUser -d password=advPass -c cookies.txt http://localhost:8080/login
    # Submit request
    curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/api/reviews \
      -b cookies.txt \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \  
      -d '{
    	"name": "John Smith",
    	"email": "[email protected]",
    	"productid": 701,
    	"rating": 3,
    	"review": "Not the prettiest one!"

    and get API HTTP response

    	"success": true,
    	"reviewID": [id integer]