Python solutions of Google Code Jam 2018. Solution begins with *
means it will get TLE in the largest data set (total computation amount > 10^8
, which is not friendly for Python to solve in 5 ~ 15 seconds).
- Code Jam 2017
- Qualification Round
- Round 1A
- Round 1B
- Round 1C
- Round 2
- Round 3
- World Finals
- Code Jam 2019
# | Title | Solution | Time | Space | Difficulty | Tag | Note |
A | Saving The Universe Again | Python | O(P) | O(P) | Easy | Greedy | |
B | Trouble Sort | Python | O(NlogN) | O(N) | Easy | Sort | |
C | Go, Gopher! | Python | O(P) | O(1) | Medium | Probability, Simulation | |
D | Cubic UFO | Python | O(1) | O(1) | Medium | Rotation Matrix, Geometry |
# | Title | Solution | Time | Space | Difficulty | Tag | Note |
A | Waffle Choppers | Python | O(R * C) | O(R + C) | Easy | Array, Accumulation Sum | |
B | Bit Party | Python | O(ClogC * log(max(S)*B+max(P))) | O(C) | Medium | Binary Search | |
C | Edgy Baking | Python | O(N^2) | O(N) | Medium | Intervals |
# | Title | Solution | Time | Space | Difficulty | Tag | Note |
A | Rounding Error | Python | O(NlogN) | O(N) | Medium | Greedy, Memoization | |
B | Mysterious Road Signs | Python | O(S) | O(1) | Medium | Graph, Sliding Window | |
C | Transmutation | C++ PyPy | O(M^3 * logS) | O(M^2) | Hard | Binary Search, Overflow Pruning |
# | Title | Solution | Time | Space | Difficulty | Tag | Note |
A | A Whole New Word | Python | O(T) | O(T) | Easy | Trie | |
B | Lollipop Shop | Python | O(N^2) | O(N) | Easy | Probability | |
C | Ant Stack | C++ PyPy | O(N * K) | O(K) | Medium | DP |
# | Title | Solution | Time | Space | Difficulty | Tag | Note |
A | Falling Balls | Python | O(C^2) | O(C^2) | Easy | Greedy | |
B | Graceful Chainsaw Jugglers | C++ PyPy | O(R^(4/3)*B^(4/3)) | O(R * B) | Medium | DP, Memoization | |
C | Costume Change | C++ PyPy | O(N^2 * sqrt(N)) | O(N) | Medium | Bipartite Matching | |
D | Gridception | C++ *PyPy | O(2^4 * R^2 * C^2) | O(R * C) | Medium | Graph, DFS |
# | Title | Solution | Time | Space | Difficulty | Tag | Note |
A | Field Trip | Python | O(N) | O(1) | Easy | Greedy | |
B | Name-Preserving Network | Python Python | O(LlogL) | O(L) | Medium | Probability, Topology | |
C | Raise the Roof | Python | O(N^2) | O(N) | Hard | Geometry, Vector | |
D | Fence Construction | Python | O(FlogF) | O(F) | Hard | ❤️ | Dual Graph, Greedy |
You can relive the magic of the 2018 Code Jam World Finals by watching the Live Stream Recording of the competition, problem explanations, interviews with Google and Code Jam engineers, and announcement of winners.
# | Title | Solution | Time | Space | Difficulty | Tag | Note |
A | Jurisdiction Restrictions | PyPy PyPy | O(S^6 * log(R * C)) | O(S^2) | Medium | Dinic's Algorithm, Max-Flow Min-Cut Theorem, Binary Search, Inclusion-Exclusion Principle, Math | |
B | Two-Tiling | Python | O((1+8+8+65)^(N^2)) | O(2^(2 * M^2 - 1) * N^2) | Hard | ❤️ | Backtracking, Bit Manipulation, Union Find, Precompute |
C | Go, Gophers! | Python | O(M * (S + (S/W)^2)) | O(S) | Medium | Multiple Binary Searches | |
D | Swordmaster | Python | O(N * P) | O(N * P) | Hard | ❤️ | BFS, DFS, DAG, SCC, Tarjan's Algorithm |
E | The Cartesian Job | Python | O(K * N) | O(N) | Hard | ❤️ | DP, Intervals, Sort, Vector |