- GL/freeglut.h
- GL/gl.h for openGL implementation
The sim.cpp file includes the code which simulates the scene according to CONFIG file on runtime. Two threaded implementation allows Dyanamic input from keyboard as well, apart from the config file.
We have added the following features
- In the Default Config file: We have types Car, auto, bike, Bus, Truck
- Bikes go in front !! and somewhat ahead of all on the signal.
- We have added Overtaking feature ( from left or right ).
- Used Multi threading for Dynamicity from config File ( 1 OpenGL thread and Dynamic Config Parser thread
- We have also handled accident . In case of an accident, all vehicles stop to move and Accident alert text is shown.
- Keyboard Input : We have also added feature to change the current signal status and add Cars from Keyboard . GUI :)