Install foundry.
Build a local chain and deploy BLS-TSS-Network, and the CardGame.sol
cd contracts
# Make sure local_test_account_address has enough ether
forge create --private-key <local_test_account_private_key> src/CardGame.sol:CardGame --constructor-args <randcast_adapter_address> --rpc-url <chain_provider>
# Deployed to <CardGame_address>
cast send <randcast_adapter_address> "createSubscription()" --rpc-url <chain_provider> --private-key <local_test_account_private_key>
# Check the <sub_id>
cast logs --from-block 1 --to-block latest 'SubscriptionCreated(uint64 indexed subId, address indexed owner)' "" <local_test_account_address> --address <randcast_adapter_address> --rpc-url <chain_provider>
topics: [
0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 --- <sub_id>
cast send <randcast_adapter_address> "fundSubscription(uint64)" <sub_id> --value <some_ether> --rpc-url <chain_provider> --private-key <local_test_account_private_key>
cast send <randcast_adapter_address> "addConsumer(uint64,address)" <sub_id> <CardGame_address> --rpc-url <chain_provider> --private-key <local_test_account_private_key>
Copy contracts/out/CardGame.sol/CardGame.json
to src/utils/web3/const/
In .env
(the websocket chain provider), DEV_ACCOUNTS
(the accounts used to transfer ETH for testing), CONTRACT_ADDRESS
(the address of the deployed CardGame contract) and DEMO_ETH_VALUE
(the ETH value for each new created account).
Install the npm dependencies
npm install
npm run dev
Navigate to localhost:5000. Enjoy the fast card game!