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Repository files navigation website

This repository contains all the code for my personal website. The site is written in React + TanStack, built with Vite, and pulls some copy from Notion. It's hosted on AWS, all infrastructure is configured via CDK, and CICD runs on GitHub Actions.

Project Overview

This repo leverages yarn workspaces to separate logical components into separate packages.

  • pkg/site is the primary React app that makes up the website
  • pkg/battleground is the engine and simulation that plays on the home screen
  • pkg/notion-loader is a helper tool for pulling data from Notion
  • infra contains the CDK code for spinning up infrastructure

Additionally, there is a .github folder that defines workflows.

Getting Started

After downloading the repo and running yarn install, you can launch the website by running:

yarn dev

To spin up the infrastructure, run:

yarn cdk deploy

To deploy the website, run:

yarn build
yarn deploy


This website is hosted using static website hosting in Amazon S3, fronted by AWS CloudFront. A Route53 hosted zone for my domain contains an ARecord that points to the CloudFront distribution. My account also contains a valid ACM certificate for serving HTTPS.

To facilitate the GitHub Actions Deployment, a IAM user is created with minimal permissions: describe cloudformation resources and S3 list, put, and delete. The accessKeyId and secretAccessKey are available as CloudFormation outputs.


The primary React application lives in pkg/site/src. The app is built with Vite and uses TanStack Router. The battleground and notion-loader packages are both dependencies used within this package.

A few helpful scripts:

  • yarn dev to start the Vite dev server
  • yarn sync calls bin/loadNotionData.ts to populate src/home/data.json and src/belt/data.json with the latest data from notion.
  • yarn deploy calls bin/deploy.ts to upload the site to S3 and create a cloudfront invalidation.

Site Map

Right now the website is pretty simple.

  • index
  • belt
  • belt/whats-new
  • colony