LPXscripts is an open source endeavor to complement the Logic Pro Scripter Plugin. It has two major components: a library of scripts for the plugin, and a website that serves as a guide to the plugin.
LPXscripts has a library of functions written in Javascript that are meant to be used as user-created scripts for the Logic Pro scripter plugin.
The library of scripts can be found in the Library folder.
Open the Library folder. Open one of the javascript files (the files with the .js file format). Copy the code from the file and paste it into the plugin's Script Editor. Run the script and you're good to go!
Refer to this guide for more!
Want to contribute to the library? See the CONTRIBUTING.md file to read more about how to contribute.
LPXscripts also has a guide to the Logic Pro Scipter plugin in the form of a website.
The guide can be found on the website.
Navigate to the website.
If you have any feedback or suggestions, please raise an issue. (Don't know how to raise an issue? Remember that you don't know yet. See this guide on raising issues.)
Want to contribute to the guide website? See the CONTRIBUTING.md file to read more about how to contribute.
This project was made to be a collaborative effort. Contributions are welcomed and much appreciated. See the CONTRIBUTING.md file to read more about how to contribute.
Visit the website at https://kabirnagral.github.io/LPXscripts/.