Implementation of simplex method in R. This implementation is not computationally efficient and goal is just to create simple educational solver, which can be somewhat useful to check manual calculation of simple exercises.
Package can be installed by:
Rsimplex(A, b, C, constrains = c(FALSE), max = TRUE, log = TRUE)
A is matrix of coefficeinets
b vector of constrains
constrains logical vector of constrain types TRUE >=, FALSE <=
max logical value, whenever objective function is maximizing or minimalizing , default TRUE
log print iterations, default TRUE
For more examples see example.r
A <- matrix(c(1,0,1,2,1,1),nrow=2,byrow=TRUE)
b <- c(24,30)
constrains <- c(TRUE, TRUE)
C <- c(8,2,5)
(sol <- Rsimplex(A,b,C,constrains,max=FALSE, log = TRUE))