Dependencies are listed in requirements.txt
- pandas to generate excel
- configparser to store general environment
- pydantic for data validation and typing
pip install -r requirements.txt
Alternatively you can use conda:
conda create -n python-news-crawler python=3.9
conda activate python-news-crawler
conda env update -f conda.yaml
To start the application we want to execute the file
python .\
- This project consists of a RPA (Robot Process Automation) script that will open the website.
- Collect data from config.ini (Search Phrase, Categories and Months (1,2,3))
- Search the search phrase along with categories (if provided) and months
- After iterating through all posts, the application will create a folder for this search inside src/
- The application will save all imgs in src/{search_phrase}/img
- The application will generate an excel file with significant data in src/{search_phrase}/news.xlsx
- If all runs well the log will indicate success and exit graciously
- Some searchs can lead to hundreds of thousands results.
- There is a function called load_more() being called in at iterate_news() function
- This function always search for the "Load more" button at the bottom of the news page
- This can increase the amount of time that the script will take to finish
- To check only the first 10 news posts, comment the line that the load_more() is being called.