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change scenario change scenario


This project aims to demonstrate how some Kafka concepts work. For now, we have the following preconfigured concepts:

  • Point to Point: When a producer sends a message and only one consumer is responsible for reading the message, even if there is more than one consumer listening to the same topic.
  • Publish/Subscribe: When a producer sends a message and more than one consumer can read the same message.
  • Retry:
    • Model 1: The error message is sent to a retry topic with a reprocessing delay. After the delay the message returns to the main topic for a retry. After the attempts are exhausted the message goes to the final topic called DLQ.
    • Model 2: The error message is sent to a retry topic with a reprocessing delay. After the delay the message is reprocessed again in the retry topic itself. After the attempts are exhausted the message goes to the final topic called DLQ.


  • .NET Core 2.1+ (.NET CLI)
  • Kafka 2.11-2.2.0+
  • NodeJs (npm, angular 7)
  • Chrome (With WebSocket / SignalR Support)

Running with docker

To run using docker and without installing anything on your host machine.

curl -sSL > docker-compose.yml
docker-compose up -d

Build a new image

Steps to build a new image:

cd /src
docker build . --tag juniorgasparotto/kafka-learning:1.0
docker run -e Kafka__CertificatePath="" -e "Kafka__Producers__TopicSample__BootstrapServers=localhost:9092" -e "Kafka__Consumers__TopicSample__BootstrapServers=localhost:9092" -e ASPNETCORE_URLS="" -ti -p 5000:5000 kafka-learning:1.0
docker tag kafka-learning:1.0 juniorgasparotto/kafka-learning:1.0
docker push juniorgasparotto/kafka-learning:1.0

Running as developer

./bin/windows/zookeeper-server-start.bat ./config/
  • Run Kafka broker using the default setting:
./bin/windows/kafka-server-start.bat ./config/
  • Clone this project to your preferred location
git clone
  • Open terminal at root of cloned code
  • Download all angular modules
cd src/KafkaLearning.Web/ClientApp
npm install
  • Download .NET and Build Dependencies
cd src/KafkaLearning.Web
dotnet build
  • Run the project (the angle will go up together)
cd src/KafkaLearning.Web
dotnet run
  • Open in Chrome the url: http://localhost:5000. You should see the following screen:
    • If this port is being used by another project, change it.

change scenario

  • Click on the Subscribe All button. The default scenario will be Publish / Subscribe
  • Send a message by clicking the Send button and note that the message will arrive at both the app1 and app2 listeners.

Change default settings (example: Kafka's default URL)

  • Environment development:
    • .NET: If you don't need to use a certificate (usually localhost: 9092 doesn't need to): Open the file \src\KafkaLearning.Web\appsettings.json and remove the certificate configuration in the property: Kafka -> CertificatePath: null.
    • .NET: If certificate use is required: replace the certificate file in the following folder with your certificate: \src\KafkaLearning.Web\Certificates\ca.crt. If you change the file name of the certificate, change the path in the CertificatePath property and ensure that this new file is being copied to the bin folder in the build process: \src\KafkaLearning.Web\KafkaLearning.Web.csproj.
    • Angular: Open the file \src\KafkaLearning.Web\ClientApp\src\environments\environment.ts and change the default URL or any other information.
  • Environment production:
    • .NET: Same procedure as in the DEV environment, however, use the file appsettings.production.json.
    • Open the file \src\KafkaLearning.Web\ClientApp\src\environments\ and exchange standard URL or any other information.

Change scenery

To switch scenarios, click on the Change Scenario button and select the desired scenario:

change scenario

change scenario

Adding a new scenario:

Other scenarios may be inserted in the future. The code is very simple for that, just follow the steps:

  • Create an angular component in the folder src/KafkaLearning.Web/ClientApp/src/app/scenarios:
ng g c ScenarioMyCustomTest
  • Copy existing component code scenario-point-to-point/scenario/point-to-point.component.ts and paste in the file scenario-my-custom-test.component.ts of the new component, keeping only the class name of the new scenario.

  • Change folder name and new component title

  public static FOLDER: string = "scenario-my-custom-test";
  public static TITLE: string = "My custom test";
  public static TITLE_PT_BR: string = "Meu cenário customizado";
  • Open the template file and add the listeners with your desired setting.
    • Keep the parent <div class="subscribers"> so as not to break the layout.
<div class="subscribers">
  <app-listener appName="app1" groupId="g1" topic="Chat" [simulateError]="false"></app-listener>
  <app-listener appName="app2" groupId="g1" topic="Chat" [simulateError]="false"></app-listener>
  • Create a file named description.html in the root of the new component. If you want to keep two languages, create the description-pt-br.html file. This file is pure HTML and must contain the description of the scenario.

  • Locate the file src/KafkaLearning.Web/ClientApp/src/app/modal-scenarios/modal-scenarios.component.ts to add the scenario in the modal of choice.

  • Add new scenario at end of TABS array

private static TABS: any[] = [
    { name: 'ScenarioPointToPointComponent', component: ScenarioPointToPointComponent, active: false },
    { name: 'ScenarioPublishSubscribeComponent', component: ScenarioPublishSubscribeComponent, active: false },
    { name: 'ScenarioRetryMainTopicComponent', component: ScenarioRetryMainTopicComponent, active: false },
    { name: 'ScenarioRetryNextTopicComponent', component: ScenarioRetryNextTopicComponent, active: false },
    // new scenario
    { name: 'ScenarioMyCustomTest', component: ScenarioMyCustomTest, active: false },
  • Build the angular with ng build and rerun the project.

  • There, your new component should appear in modal and can now be used.

Listener Settings

The app-listener component/listener settings have a direct relationship to the Kafka settings and other retry settings we have created, they are:

  • appName: Simulation App Name
  • topic: Kafka Topic Name
  • groupId: Kafka Consumer Group Name
  • simulateError: Indicates whether or not the listener should issue an error when reading a message.
    • Tip: Error scenarios should always be considered in your Handlers, as well as the retry strategy if you need to.
  • retryStrategy: Defines what this listener / consumer retry strategy will be
    • retry: When set to this value and a consumer error occurs, the code will create or update the retry.count header by incrementing + 1 in the value and forwarding the message to the topic that was set in the retryTopic setting.
    • redirect: When set to this value the code will do nothing with the message, it will only redirect the message to the topic that was set in the retryTopic setting.
  • retryTopic: Destination topic on error or when setting retryStrategy equals redirect.
  • delay: When set, the consumer will create a delay in reading the message, which is useful for creating exponential retries.

NOTE: Maybe using the redirect value in the retryStrategy setting does not make sense, check if it would be better to create something like: handler=none|redirect and handle-args=REDIRECT_TOPIC_NAME.

Installing on OpenShift (OKD)

Before installing KafkaLearning, it is necessary to have a Kafka service that can be accessible from within the cluster. Or use the Strimzi project to install a Kafka cluster within your cluster:

Useful links:

Installation step by step:

oc create secret docker-registry redhat-registry \ \
    --docker-username=<user> \
    --docker-password=<pwd> \
    --docker-email=<email> \
    -n openshift
  • Install ImageStream
oc create -f
  • Or update
oc replace -f
  • Create a project to contain KafkaLearning
oc new-project project-kafka
  • Or just select a project in which you want it to contain it
oc project [project-name]
  • Create the Kafka Learning application
oc new-app 'dotnet:3.1~' \
--name=kafka-learning \
--context-dir src \
--build-env DOTNET_STARTUP_PROJECT=KafkaLearning.Web/KafkaLearning.Web.csproj \
--build-env DOTNET_CONFIGURATION=Release
  • Follow the image build log
oc logs -f bc/kafka-learning
  • Follow the image deployment log
oc logs -f dc/kafka-learning
  • Exposes a route to gain access from outside the cluster
oc expose svc/kafka-learning
  • Obtain the route address and check outside the cluster that everything is working (Requested Host: )
oc describe route kafka-learning
  • To see all the objects created, use:
oc get all -l app=kafka-learning
  • If you want to remove Kafka-Learning and all its objects, do:
oc delete all -l app=kafka-learning
  • It may be that in the first "Subscribe" you receive errors, this is because all .NET dependencies have not yet risen completely.


  • Create an abstract class for all scenarios so you don't have to copy the same code every time you create a new scenario
  • Send producer data into scenario
  • Rename the classes from ConsumerClient to Listener and simplify mechanism.
  • Leave the Kafka URL to be overwritten by an environment variable.

Useful tools: