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In Game Font

junebug12851 edited this page Mar 9, 2019 · 1 revision

The game allows 255 different font characters or variables going a bit above what your keyboard allows. The way this works is as such.

  1. Depending on which map your in, your map's tileset is loaded into the memory
  2. When it comes time to print font characters to the screen the standard font is loaded on top of some of the tilset tiles and going to blank tiles.
  3. Sometimes extended font characters loaded and sometimes extended tiles are present after the font instead of all blank tiles.

So what this means for you is you have a certain set of font characters which never change, a certain set of font characters which may change or be blank, and a wide array of tiles from whatever tileset is currently loaded into memory. Additionally variables and control codes sometimes take the place of a tile or font character meaning it will print an in-memory variable or use a control code instead.

Your keyboard doesn't have access to most of this but the editor doesn't restrict from using all these font character, tile options, variables, or control codes at all.

All non-typeable characters have a special shortcut syntax, for example <f> prints the female symbol, <m> prints the male symbol, and <A> prints a bold A most of the time and <pic03> for example prints tile #3 from whatever tileset is loaded into memory.

To save you from remembering all of this theres an easy slide-out editor by clicking on the keyboard icon next to name boxes. The slide out editor allows viewing all the font options using the "Outdoor" tileset including variables and control codes, rolling your mouse over a letter shows the shortcut code you can use to insert that character and clicking it inserts the shortcut character for you.

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