This is a boilerplate to create a RESTful Api with Nodejs, Express 4, ES6, Mongoose, MongoDB using Bluebird Promise. We have used yarn over npm. We have used Passport.js for Authentication.
Clone the repo:
git clone
cd PromisedRest
Install yarn:
npm install -g yarn
Install dependencies:
Start server:
# Start server
yarn start
# Selectively set DEBUG env var to get logs
DEBUG=ip-api:* yarn start
Refer debug to know how to selectively turn on logs.
# Lint code with ESLint
yarn lint
# Run lint on any file change
yarn lint:watch
# Run lint on any file change and try to fix problems
yarn lint:fix
Other gulp tasks:
# Wipe out dist and coverage directory
gulp clean
# Default task: Wipes out dist and coverage directory. Compiles using babel.
# compile to ES5
1. yarn build
# upload dist/ to your server
2. scp -rp dist/ user@dest:/path
# install production dependencies only
3. yarn --production
# Use any process manager to start your services
4. pm2 start dist/index.js
Universal logging library winston is used for logging. It has support for multiple transports. A transport is essentially a storage device for your logs. Each instance of a winston logger can have multiple transports configured at different levels. For example, one may want error logs to be stored in a persistent remote location (like a database), but all logs output to the console or a local file. I just log to the console for simplicity, To do:- Can configure more transports as per requirement.
Logs detailed info about each api request to console during development.
Logs stacktrace of error to console along with other details.