Create deployment scripts with William's easy DSL to interact with your server via SSH.
gem install william
- First, create a Willfile inside your project's directory :
$remotes = ["[email protected]"]
def deploy
puts "I'm deploying!!!"
cd "/home/user/myapp" do
run "git pull origin master"
run "bundle install --without development"
run "rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV='production'"
run "touch ./tmp/restart.txt"
def test
puts "I'm testing!!!"
local "rake spec"
local "rake jasmine"
- Run the your script's deploy task with
will deploy
, or just the test task with (you guessed it)will test
- for now, every executed command requires a new SSH authentication. In the future i'd like to retain the connexion state to remove the need to re-enter the password for every single command (when my public key is not in the remote server's .ssh/authorized_keys).
- write some tests!
- make it possible to do some useful stuff with the return value of commands (maybe return an object, with .failed and .return_code, like Fabric does).
- document the code
- add
William is my attempt at doing a Ruby version of Fabric.
William is released under the MIT license.