This Java program performs social network analysis using an adjacency list representation of a graph. It reads student information from a file, populates the graph, and offers various social network analysis functionalities.
The program provides social network analysis features such as removing friendships, deleting accounts, counting friends, finding friend circles, calculating closeness centrality, and identifying connectors.
The input file should be a tab-separated text file containing information about students who have joined a university's social platform. Each line represents a student with various details, including ID, first name, last name, college, department, email, friend count, and friend IDs.
Example input file format:
id studentsFirstName studentsLastName college department email friendCount friend1 friend2 friend3 friend4 friend5
1 John Doe Arts History [email protected] 3 2 5 7 9 12
2 Jane Smith Science Physics [email protected] 2 1 8 10 15