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Jason HauglandJason Haugland
Jason Haugland
Jason Haugland
Nov 8, 2023
adfb371 · Nov 8, 2023


57 Commits
Nov 8, 2023
Nov 7, 2023
Nov 8, 2023
Oct 5, 2023
Nov 8, 2023
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Jan 28, 2022

Repository files navigation


Provides a quick-start example of using Redis with springBoot with Banking structures. Digital Banking uses an API microservices approach to enable high speed requests for account, customer and transaction information. As seen below, this data is useful for a variety of business purposes in the bank.

Note: This is the same as Redisearch-Digital-Banking but uses redistemplate instead of any of the crudrepository indexes. redisearch 2.0 indexes will be used. This is not using the crudrepository for the basic redis data.


In this tutorial, a java spring boot application is run through a jar file to support typical API calls to a REDIS banking data layer. A redis docker configuration is included.

Redis Advantages for Digital Banking

  • Redis easily handles high write transaction volume
  • Redis has no tombstone issues and can upsert posted transactions over pending
  • Redis Enterprise scales vertically (large nodes) and horizontally (many nodes)
  • Redisearch 2.0 automatically indexes the hash structure created by Spring Java CRUD repository


  • Docker installed on your local system, see Docker Installation Instructions.
  • Alternatively, can run Redis Enterprise and set the redis host and port in the file
  • When using Docker for Mac or Docker for Windows, the default resources allocated to the linux VM running docker are 2GB RAM and 2 CPU's. Make sure to adjust these resources to meet the resource requirements for the containers you will be running. More information can be found here on adjusting the resources allocated to docker.

Docker for mac Docker for windows

Links that help!

Technical Overview

This github java code uses jedis library for redis. The jedis library supports RediSearch, RedisJSON, and RedisTimeSeries. The original github only used spring java without redisearch. That repository is still intact at this github location. Another subsequent version uses crud repository and search at this github location All of the Spring Java indexes have been removed in this version. The crud repository has been removed.

The spring java code

This is basic spring links

  • Spring Redis
  • boot-Contains index creation for each of the four redisearch indexes used in this solution: Account, Customer, Merchant, and Transaction
  • config-Initial configuration module using autoconfiguration and a threadpool sizing to adjust based on machine size
  • controller-http API call interfaces
  • data-code to generate POC type of customer, account, and transaction code
  • domain-has each of the java objects with their columns. Enables all the getter/setter methods
  • repository-has repository definitions. With transition to redisearch 2.0, not used as heavily as previously. This is where the redistemplate code is added if crud repository is no longer used. Cassandra transaction repository is also here.
  • service-asyncservice, topicproducer (kafka) and bankservice doing the interaction with redis

The java code demonstrates common API actions with the data layer in REDIS. The java spring Boot framework minimizes the amount of code to build and maintain this solution. Maven is used to build the java code and the code is deployed to the tomcat server.

Data Structures in use

Using Docker for non-application components

This option uses docker to support all of the non-application components (kafka, cassandra, redis) with the java application running on the local mac.

  • Prepare Docker environment-see the Prerequisites section above...
  • Pull this github into a directory
git clone
  • Refer to the notes for redis Docker images used but don't get too bogged down as docker compose handles everything except for a few admin steps on tomcat.
  • Redis stack docker instructions
  • Open terminal and change to the github home where you will see the docker-compose.yml file, then:
docker-compose -f docker-compose-kafka.yml -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose-cassandra.yml up -d

Deploying java application on local mac with Kafka non-application components

  • ensure maven and java are deployed on the local machine
    • have been running with java 17 or java 18 but other versions should work as well
    • have been runing with 3.9.4 and 3.9.5
  • Set up the environment and run the java application locally
    • edit the environment file to use localhost for non-application components
    • source this environment file
    • run the application
source  scripts/
java -jar target/redis-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

Using terraform on azure for all components

  • Use this github to deploy all of the components (including the application)
  • Check the readme for the details on deploying this github including the cloning the github and working with Azure. Completely deploy the terraform github for all deployments. This will also deploy this github inside the tester node. The later application deployment instructions will be deployed within the tester node using ssh
  • maven and java will be installed by the ansible jobs for the tester node
  • the ip and dns information is shared in a temp directory within the terraform/ansible repository. Go to the files here to see private (internal) and public (external) kafka node, cassandra node and testinnode IP addresses. The redis internal and external database connection dns names are also available. These dns names will also give an internal and external redis enterprise node IP.
  • log into the tester node using the testernode IP and the ssh key defined in test/ and go to github home
ssh -i <azure key> redislabs@<testerIP>
cd Redisearch-Digital-Banking-redisTemplate
  • edit the environment file using only the internal connection addresses. NOTE: kafka will only connect from local azure IP addresses and not any public IP addresses. Using public and private Kafka addresses is possible but not configured currently
  • These steps can all be done from client machine local browser using the kafka node public IP address and port 9021. From this home screen, pause the currently running connectors: datagen-pageviews, cassanddra-sink, and redis-sink-json using the Kafka Control Center. This will just remove the noise of a second application running.
  • Consider cleaning both the redis (use flushdb) and cassandra databases as well (drop keyspace pageviews)
  • Create transaction table in cassandra using provided script
cd scripts
#  edit the CQLSH_HOST variable inside the script for the cassandra host pubic IP address
  • start the application after logging in to the testernode
ssh -i ~/.ssh/<sshkey> redislabs@<testernode public ip>
cd Redisearch-Digital-Banking-redisTemplate
mvn clean package
# edit scripts/ for current nodes - REDIS_HOST, REDIS_PORT, and KAFKA_HOST must all change to match current environment.  *IMPORTANT* only use private/internal IP addresses-DO NOT USE *localhost*.  Additional note, redis password is different in local docker version and in ansible created version-verify redis password!
source scripts/
java -jar target/redis-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
  • get a second terminal window to the tester node and write a test message to kafka-this will cause the topic to be created. Name can be changed in but default topic name is transactions
ssh -i ~/.ssh/<sshkey> redislabs@<testernode public ip>
cd Redisearch-Digital-Banking-redisTemplate/scripts
# make sure saveTransaction script says doKafka=true
  • verify transactions topic is created using kafka control center
    • in control center click on topics and then on the topics page, click messages
    • if you run again while looking at the control center topic pane, the message will be visible. If you put offset of 0, both messages will be visible.
    • application will create the kafka topic on first usage of the topic.
  • Call kafka API to create the RedisSink using provided script. DO THIS FROM your local Mac
cd Redisearch-Digital-Banking-redisTemplate/scripts
#  change localhost to the external/public ip address for the kafka node in the last line. 
#  Make sure this is the public kafka IP and not the private  
#  Verify the redis.uri and redis.password.  (the redis.uri must be INTERNAL)
ssh -i ~/.ssh/<sshkey> redislabs@<testernode public ip>

verify data flowed in to redis using redis-cli

redis-cli -h <redis_external_endpoint.txt> -p <redis_port.txt> -a redis123
>keys Trans*

* Call an Api to create the cassandra sink using provided script
# on local mac
cd Redisearch-Digital-Banking-redisTemplate/scripts
#  change localhost to the public ip address for the kafka node in the last line.  
# Set the contactPoints to the local IP address for the cassandra node. 
ssh -i ~/.ssh/<sshkey> redislabs@<testernode public ip>

verify data flowed in to cassandra using cqlsh

process larger record set

verify says doKafkfa=true


Will see large number of records now in cassandra and redis

Shows a benchmark test run of on GCP servers. Although, this test run is using redisearch 1.0 code base. Need to rerun this test.

Investigate the APIs

Use swagger UI

run bash scripts in ./scripts. Adding the redisearch queries behind each script here also...

  • - add a tag to a transaction. Tags allow user to mark transactions to be in a buckets such as Travel or Food for budgetary tracking purposes
  • - delete all customers matching a string
  • - simple API to generate default customer, accounts, merchants, phone numbers, emails and transactions
  • - for server testing to generate higher load levels. Use with Not for use with docker setup. This is load testing with redis enterprise and client application running in same network in the cloud.
  • - find transactions for an account between a date range
  • - find transactions for a credit card between a date range
  • - retrieve transactions for customer
  • - retrieve customer record using email address
  • - find all transactions for an account from one merchant for date range
  • - find all transactions for an account from merchant category for date range
  • - get customers by phone and full name.
  • - get customers by phone only
  • - get customers by city and state
  • - get customers by zipcode and lastname.
  • - get returned transactions count by reason code
  • - get all tags on an account
  • - find transactions for an account with a particular tag
  • - get one transaction by its transaction ID
  • - see count of transactions by account status of PENDING, AUTHORIZED, SETTLED
  • - put a set of json customer records
  • - save a sample account
  • - save a sample customer
  • - save a sample Transaction
  • - start multiple app server instances for load testing
  • - test pipelining
  • - generate new transactions to move all transactions from one transaction Status up to the next transaction status. Parameter is target status. Can choose SETTLED or POSTED. Will move 100,000 transactions per call
  • - put the dispute specified in
  • - set the dispute reason code
  • - accept the dispute
  • - charge back the dispute