LazyVim Public
Forked from LazyVim/LazyVimNeovim config for the lazy
Lua Apache License 2.0 UpdatedNov 17, 2023 -
jQuery-SlotMachine Public
Makes Slot Machine effect without jquery (the name is just legacy O_O)
lit-element-hooks Public
Streaming data from web workers to lit-element components
browser-bluetooth-lightbulb Public
Color picker for a bluetooth lightbulb in the browser
film-api Public
Aplicación hecha con expressjs para el Curso de NodeJS de @Fictizia;
firebase-login-express Public
Firebase login using express and cookies
python_js Public
Some JS functions written in Python for learning purposes.
download-video Public
Example of downloading + merge TS video parts for educational purposes
node-certification Public
Forked from amcereijo/node-certificationExamples for OpenJS Node.js Application Developer
JavaScript UpdatedMay 11, 2020 -
simple-chat Public
Aplicación hecha con expressjs y socket.io para el Curso de NodeJS de @Fictizia;
debug-exercises Public
Ejercicios para aprender a debugear para el Curso de NodeJS de @Fictizia;
twitter-firebase-stream Public
Ejercicios para aprender a trabajar con streams para el Curso de NodeJS de @Fictizia;
hexo-workbox Public
A plugin for your Hexo blog, giving your app offline caching as a progressive enhancement using service workers.
hubot-example Public
Ejercicios para aprender a montar un bot para el Curso de NodeJS de @Fictizia;
mocha-example Public
Entorno de testing con mocha y eslint para el Curso de NodeJS de @Fictizia;
hexo-deployer-heroku Public
Forked from hexojs/hexo-deployer-herokuHeroku deployer plugin for Hexo.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedSep 16, 2018 -
ember-cli-fastclick Public
Forked from ember-mobile/ember-cli-fastclickSimple FastClick support for Ember apps
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedSep 10, 2018 -
aiyprojects-raspbian Public
Forked from google/aiyprojects-raspbianAn easy-to-use API for the AIY Voice Kit
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJul 11, 2018 -
gulp-example-spa Public
Aplicación hecha con gulp y React para el Curso de NodeJS de @Fictizia;
vim-ale-playbulb Public
Change playbulb candle color while files are linted!