I'm a web developer specialized in frontend. But, usually, I work backend too. So, my .emacs
is focused on HTML, JavaScript, React/Vue, CSS (SCSS) & Backend with Django/Rails/Node)
Here you can find my .emacs
(or .emacs.d/init.el
) & its structure folder. Plus, you will find each element to insall and a link to it. So, you can check and add whatever you want to your .emcas.
The idea of this repo is to can share with some friends and with myself, and who feel it could help can use it and continue the Emac Path
Feel free to use & share. It repository will be constantly updated.
The folder structure of my .emacs.d/
folder is:
/.emac.d/ # This folder
core/ # The custom snippets
core.el # General configuration
keybinding.el # Global key-bindings
package.el # List of Packages and auto-install
ui.el # Configuration of the interface
setup/ # Configuration of modes
snippets/ # The custom snippets
init.el # Core Definition
github-pandoc.css # GitHub css for markdown files
All the method were inclueded using melpa (melpa), melpa-stable (stable).
- emmet-mode To write faster HTML
- js2-mode JavaScript helper
- markdown-mode To write README.md files or .md files
- ac-html AutoComplete in HTML
- ac-js2 AutoComplete in JavaScript
- neotree Vim folder structure show (with F8)
- popup Used by auto-complete
- popwin Used by auto-complete
- powerline Show a beauty and improved details-line in the buffer details line (last one)
- rainbow-mode To show hex & rgb with colors in general
- auto-complete To active & configure the auto-complete mode
- color-themes To can show emacs with a custom palete
- darkokai-theme My actual theme.
- whitespace-cleanup-mode It erase unnecesary whitespaces & unnecesary tabs
- yasnippet To write faster code (in general)
All my dowloaded snippets are from: Azer's Yasnippets and currently, I have in my snippets
- css-mode
- html-mode
- markdown-mode
- python-mode
- sql-mode
- go-mode
- js2-mode
- latex-mode
- objc-mode
- ruby-mode
- web-mode