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=== Official Facebook Pixel ===
Contributors: facebook
Tags: Facebook, Facebook Conversion Pixel, Facebook Pixel, Facebook Pixel Events, facebook retargeting, facebook standard events
Requires at least: 4.4
Tested up to: 5.0.1
Requires PHP: 5.3
Stable tag: 1.7.25
License: GPLv2
License URI:

Grow your business with Official Facebook Pixel!

== Description ==
***ATTENTION: Due to a known issue, upgrading this plugin may result in plugin deactivation (especially if you are upgrading from version 1.7.10 - 1.7.19). Please go to your site's 'Plugins' tab, refresh the page, and activate the plugin if it's deactivated to prevent losing your future pixel events.***

This plugin will install a Facebook Pixel for your page. There is also built in support for other WordPress plugins. The Official Facebook Pixel allows you to fire lower funnel events: Lead, ViewContent, AddToCart, InitiateCheckout and Purchase. Tracking lower funnel events can help you understand the actions people are taking on your website. You can then use this information to make adjustments accordingly in your advertising campaigns.

Current plugins that we supports:
* Contact Form 7
* Easy Digital Downloads
* Ninja Forms
* WPForms
* MailChimp for WordPress
* WP eCommerce

== Installation ==
__To install from your WordPress site__ <br />
1. Log in to your WordPress dashboard, navigate to the Plugins menu and click Add New. <br />
2. In the search field, type 'Official Facebook Pixel' and click 'Search Plugins'. Select the plugin authored by 'Facebook'. You can install it by simply clicking 'Install Now'. <br />

__To download and install plugin from Facebook Events Manager__ <br />
[Facebook Help Page]( <br />

__Configure plugin for first use__ <br />
After plugin installed, go to settings page of the plugin, input your pixel ID in the text box, check 'Enabling Advanced Matching improves audience building' if you want to enable Advanced Matching. <br />

== Frequently Asked Questions ==
= Where can I find more information on Facebook Pixel? =
You can find more information on the [Facebook Pixel](

= Where can I find more information on Official Facebook Pixel plugin? =
You can refer to [this page](

= Where can I find support? =
If you get stuck, or have any questions, you can ask for help in the [Official Facebook Pixel plugin forum]( If you would like to file a bug, please use the Facebook Bug tool found [here](

= I am a developer. Can I help improve the plugin? =
Of course! This plugin is open sourced on the Facebook Incubator GitHub. You can find the code and contribution instructions in the [plugin repository](

== Changelog ==
= 2019-02-18 version 1.7.25 =
* remove get_called_class from the codebase

= 2019-02-10 version 1.7.24 =
* Fix for PHP 5.3
* Fix the Util function
* Fix Ninja Form

= 2019-01-29 version 1.7.23 =
* Add Gravity Forms
* Add Caldera Form
* Add Formidable Form

= 2019-01-20 version 1.7.22 =
* fix css asset error

= 2018-11-30 version 1.7.21 =
* fix abstract static function

= 2018-11-28 version 1.7.20 =
* Change plugin file name, Add Supports for MailChimp for WordPress and WP eCommerce

= 2018-11-20 version 1.7.19 =
* Support php 5.3 onwards

= 2018-11-09 version 1.7.18 =
* Fix translation and set the advanced matching on by default

= 2018-11-09 version 1.7.17 =
* Fix Lead event

= 2018-11-02 version 1.7.16 =
* Fix advance matching

== Upgrade Notice ==
By upgrading to latest version you will have built in support to fire lower funnel events: Lead, ViewContent, AddToCart, InitiateCheckout and Purchase out of the most popular plugins.





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