Pre-requirements Install Technologies
- Dcoker and docker-compose
- Install pyenv
curl | bash
pyenv install 3.12.4
pyenv global 3.12.4
- Repository clone
git clone
cd fast-ecommerce-back
cd app
- Start docker-compose file
docker-compose up -d
- Virtualenv with poetry
curl -sSL | python3 -
Create Virtualenv and install requirements
poetry install
Enter Linux ou Mac
poetry shell
alembic upgrade head
make upgrade
Run project
uvicorn main:app --reload --host --port 8001
make run
- Create postgres database "test"
- Enter in app directory
- Run tests
python -m pytest
- User: Handles all user management operations, such as user registration, login, and profile management.
- Direct Sales: Manages operations related to selling a product directly, bypassing any intermediary.
- Payment: Handles all payment-related operations, including processing payments through various methods such as credit cards, PIX, boleto, and installment plans.
- Freight: Responsible for managing operations related to shipping, delivery, and logistics.
- Order: Manages operations related to processing and fulfilling customer orders, including order creation, tracking, and status updates.
- Notification: Handles operations related to user notifications, including sending out notifications for order updates, promotions, and other relevant information.
- Product: Manages all aspects related to products, including product creation, editing, categorization, and attributes.
- Catalog: Handles the listing and presentation of products, providing features such as search, filtering, and sorting for users to browse and explore.
- Cart: Deals with operations related to the shopping cart, allowing users to add, remove, and modify items before proceeding to checkout.
- Inventory: Manages the control and tracking of product inventory, including stock levels, replenishment, and availability.
- Reviews: Handles customer reviews, comments, and ratings for products, allowing users to share their experiences and opinions.
- Coupons: Manages promotional campaigns, discounts, and coupon codes to attract and incentivize customers.
- Reports: Provides reporting and analytics capabilities, allowing stakeholders to gain insights into sales, customer behavior, and other relevant metrics.
- Sales: Handles integrations with sales tools and platforms, facilitating processes such as order synchronization, inventory management, and sales data analysis.
- Campaign: Manages integrations with marketing tools and platforms, enabling targeted marketing campaigns, customer segmentation, and automation.
Create Roles in database |id|status|role| |1|active|ADMIN| |2|active|USER| |3|active|AFFIALIATE|
Create user with route -> /user/signup
Enter in database and change role_id from 2 to 1
Create credit card config with route -> /create-config
[!info] Credit card config need tax installment fee, min and max installments
- Create product with route -> create_product suggest test product
"name": "Test",
"uri": "/test",
"price": 10000,
"direct_sales": 0,
"description": {"content": "Teste", "composition": "test composition", "how_to_use": "test how to use"},
"image_path": "",
"installments_config": 1,
"category_id": 1,
"discount": 100,
"sku": "sku0"
- Sendgrid
- Pagarme
- Correios
- Tallos
- app -- infra -- db -- enpoints -- schemas -- redis -- gateways -- payment -- mail -- whatsapp -- workers -- entities -> Business rules -- user -- service -> application orchestration -- repository -> queries -- direct_sales -- payment -- order -- freight -- infra -- infra -- notification -- product -- catalog -- cart -- inventory -- coupons -- reports -- sales -- campaign
- tests