Algorithmic methods for data mining course project.
Install the requirements listed in the requirements.txt file. If you have pip you can run.
pip install -r requirements.txt
python <data_set> <alg_num> <dec_alg> <n_ki> <nt>
<data_set> = Data set (test, ptest or comp)
<alg_num> = Algorithm number (1-4)
<dec_alg> = decomposition algorithm (eigsh or lobpcg)
<n_ki> = unumber of k-means++ iterations (1 ->)
<nt> = number of threads to parallelize the k-means++ iterations (1 ->)
Takes values:
1 = unnormalized spectral partitioning with k-means
2 = normalized spectral partitioning with k-means
3 = unnormalized sparse spectral partitioning with custom nk-means++
4 = normalized sparse spectral partitioning with custom nk-means++
normalized and unnormalized refers to how the laplacian and eigenvalue decomposition is calculated.
nk-means++ is a custom k-means++ algorithm which runs k-means n times and returns the clustering with the best objective function.
Either 2 or all five parameters have to be specified.
If only two parameters a specified k-means++ will be run 10 times with 4 threads.
python comp 4
python test 3
python ptest 2
Graph has to be in the graphs directory
python ca-AstroPh.output 3
python comp 4 10 10
Depending on the parameters and the fact the best graph partition is found semi-randomly, the best results might not be reproduced every time. So to reproduce the outputs for the competition run the following script.
python <data_set>
<data_set> = Data set (test or comp)
python comp
- AstroPh: custom sparse algo1 - 40.667
Seed: 95504 - CondMat: custom sparse algo1 - 124
Seed: 31882 - HepPh: custom sparse algo1 - 14.25
Seed: 748819 - HepTh: custom sparse algo1 - 5.6
Seed: 380854 - GrQc: custom sparse algo2 - 0.075
Seed: 834113 - Oregon: custom sparse algo2 - 2.242
Seed: 952417 - soc-Epinions: custom sparse algo2 - 1.571
Seed: 987761 - web-NotreDame: custom sparse algo2 - 0.262
Seed: 361760 - roadNet-CA: custom sparse algo2 - 0.379
Seed: 826647