These are my config files for Bash, VIM, Python, and more.
You may use them as they are, fork the repo, copy-paste what you like or suggest changes. It's under a do as you please license :)
I really hate code or configuration that I don't understand. It might do magical things, but when things ago awry, and they do, I need to be able to fix it. In this setup, I have handwritten (or at least hand copied 😃) every line, and I have tried to document why the line exists if it is scary or weird in some way.
git clone
./dotfiles/ # and wait until completion ...
The first time you run the install it will take some time, mostly due YouCompleteMe, which needs to be downloaded and compiled. It might seem as if the install hangs on this step, but this only takes a lot of time the first time you run setup. On subsequent
runs, it should not take more than a second or two.
See per-host-config/