####Requisits In order to compute dynamically the memory usage of the redis server, this module uses a custom fact called "memorysize_mb". Such a file can be create using a custun fact script like this one .
####Table of Contents
- Overview - What is the graphite module?
- Setup - The basics of getting started with redis
- Usage - The class and defined types available for configuration
- Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
- Contributing to the graphite module
This module installs and makes basic configs for multiple redis instances on the same node. It installs redis from source. (http://redis.io/) It also can configure the monitoring server Sentinel or create a master/slave architecture.
What redis affects:
- packages/configuration to compile and install redis from source
- services/configuration files to run multiple redis and sentinels
###Beginning with redis
To just compile and install redis binaries. As default the latest stable release will be used.
class { 'redis::install': }
To install a specific redis version use the following parameters.
Most of the time you will only need redis_version
class { 'redis::install':
redis_version => '2.8.8',
redis_build_dir => '/opt',
redis_install_dir => '/usr/bin'
###Run multiple instances on same host
As example run two redis instances on port 6379 and 6380.
node 'redis.my.domain' {
# install latest stable build.
class { 'redis::install': }
redis::server {
redis_memory => '1g',
redis_ip => '',
redis_port => 6379,
redis_mempolicy => 'allkeys-lru',
redis_timeout => 0,
redis_nr_dbs => 16,
redis_loglevel => 'notice',
running => true,
enabled => true
redis::server {
redis_memory => '112m',
redis_ip => '',
redis_port => 6380,
redis_mempolicy => 'allkeys-lru',
redis_timeout => 0,
redis_nr_dbs => 2,
redis_loglevel => 'info',
running => true,
enabled => true
###Setting up a Matser Slave architecture
You can create a Redis Master Slave architecture.
node 'redis.my.domain' {
# install latest stable build.
class { 'redis::install': }
redis::server {
redis_memory => '1g',
redis_ip => '',
redis_port => 6379,
redis_mempolicy => 'allkeys-lru',
redis_timeout => 0,
redis_nr_dbs => 16,
redis_loglevel => 'notice',
running => true,
enabled => true
redis::server {
redis_memory => '112m',
redis_ip => '',
redis_port => 6379,
redis_mempolicy => 'allkeys-lru',
redis_timeout => 0,
redis_nr_dbs => 2,
redis_loglevel => 'info',
redis_is_slave => true,
redis_master_IP_for_slave => '',
running => true,
enabled => true
###Setting up sentinel with two monitors
You can create multiple sentinels on one node. But most of the time you will want to create a sentinel with one or more monitors configured.
node 'sentinel.my.domain' {
# install latest stable build.
class { 'redis::install': redis_version => '2.8.8' }
redis::sentinel {'clusters':
monitors => {
'mymaster' => {
master_host => '',
master_port => 6378,
quorum => 2,
down_after_milliseconds => 30000,
parallel-syncs => 1,
failover_timeout => 180000
'securetRedisCluster' => {
master_host => '',
master_port => 6379,
quorum => 2,
down_after_milliseconds => 30000,
parallel-syncs => 5,
failover_timeout => 180000,
auth-pass => 'secret_Password',
notification-script => '/tmp/notify.sh',
client-reconfig-script => '/tmp/reconfig.sh'
###Classes and Defined Types
This module compiles and installs redis with the class redis::install
The redis service(s) are configured with the defined type redis::server
####Class: redis::install
This class downloads, compiles and installs redis. It does not configure any redis services. This is done by defimed type redis::server.
Parameters within redis::install
The redis version to be installed. By default, the latest stable build will be installed.
Default is '/opt/' (string) The dir to store redis source code. This will result in a directoy like '/opt/redis-2.8.8/'
Default is '/usr/bin' (string). The dir to which the newly built redis binaries are copied.
####Defined Type: redis::server
Used to configure redis instances. You can setup multiple redis servers on the same node. See the setup examples.
**Parameters within redis::server
Name of Redis instance. Default: call name of the function.
Default is '100mb' (string). Sets amount of memory used. eg. 100mb or 4g.
Default is '' (string). Listen IP of redis.
Listen port of Redis. Default: 6379
Algorithm used to manage keys. See Redis docs for possible values. Default: allkeys-lru
Default: 0
Number of databases provided by redis. Default: 1
Name of database dump file. Default: dump.rdb
Default is '/var/lib' (string) Path for persistent data. Path is <redis_dir>/redis_<redis_name>/.
Default is '/var/log' (string). Path for log. Full log path is <redis_log_dir>/redis_<redis_name>.log.
Loglevel of Redis. Default: 'notice' (string)
Configure if Redis should be running or not. Default: true (boolean)
Configure if Redis is started at boot. Default: true (boolean)
####Defined Type: redis::sentinel
Used to configure sentinel instances. You can setup multiple sentinel servers on the same node. And you can configure multiple monitors within a sentinel. See the setup examples.
**Parameters within redis::sentinel
Name of Redis instance. Default: call name of the function.
Listen port of Redis. Default: 6379
Default is '/var/log' (string).
Path for log. Full log path is sentinel_log_dir
Default is
'mymaster' => {
master_host => '',
master_port => 6379,
quorum => 2,
down_after_milliseconds => 30000,
parallel-syncs => 1,
failover_timeout => 180000,
### optional
auth-pass => 'secret_Password',
notification-script => '/var/redis/notify.sh',
client-reconfig-script => '/var/redis/reconfig.sh'
Hashmap of monitors.
Configure if Redis should be running or not. Default: true (boolean)
Configure if Redis is started at boot. Default: true (boolean)
This module is tested on CentOS 6.5 and Debian 7 (Wheezy) and should also run without problems on
- RHEL/CentOS/Scientific 6+
- Debian 6+
- Ubunutu 10.04 and newer
Echocat modules are open projects. So if you want to make this module even better, you can contribute to this module on Github.