Fixed bugs:
- Compilation of gradle Java 11 project failed #288
- [android] Failed to connect at STOMP protocol level to host #275
- Drop support for Ktor 1.x (legacy) because incompatible with Kotlin 1.8 #296
Upgraded dependencies:
- Upgrade jetty-websocket to version 9.4.50.v20221201 #297
- Upgrade uuid to version 0.6.0 #295
- Upgrade okio to version 3.3.0 (depends on Kotlin 1.8) #294
- Upgrade Jackson to version 2.14.1 #292
- Upgrade kotlinx-atomicfu to version 0.19.0 #293
- Upgrade Kotlin to version 1.8.0 #289
- Upgrade Ktor to version 2.2.2 #291