This is Junming WANG, an Embodied AI Researcher at a startup.
A budding Full-Stack Robot Developer
who is obsessed
with the idea of improving himself and wants a platform to
✔ 🔭 Pronouns: He/His or TeamMaker😉
✔ 🌱 I’m currently Developing Air-Ground Robot @AGRNav and @HE-Nav
✔ 👯 I’m currently learning AIGC & Generative Model
✔ 🤔 I’m looking to collaborate with any Open - Source contribution !
✔ 💬 I’m looking for help for learning Embodied AI
✔ 📫 I regularly write articles on CSDN
✔ 🔭Most of my projects are open-source at GitHub and are pinned below !
Languages and Tools :