Project developed by Wilbur to Randoli.
In the steps below I will describe the project and its purpose.
A REST API using with Enterprise Integration Patterns with Apache Camel
to perform CRUD operations to another
application with Spring Boot, Hibernate, PostgreSQL, Container and Cloud Concepts
to save Events.
You can find details how run application below, and how to use the API, inside project exists a file
or Camel API DOC
with more details about request.
To access the application you need to use the following URL:
Actually exists two EC2 instances in the AWS with this application:
One master instance and one slave instance.
The master contains Rancher to manipulate others VMs.
Example above, but with one master and 3 slaves (in our case we just have one slave to reduce cost)
The challange request a new REST endpoint that accepts a json payload and saves it in the database. Each payload may contain one or more records. Each record contains one or more events. To save this without change Client API I used the SPLIT pattern.
- Example of
"locationCd":"CUSTOMER NUMBER",
"locationCd":"OUTLET ID",
OBS: before all part below you need the Randoli Spring Boot CRUD application running (or just run docker compose option).
- to run with mvn in development mode (with automatic H2 database)
mvn spring-boot:run
- after start application to analyze REST API with API DOC
To run application with Docker, stay in the same directory with Dockerfile
and run:
- package application
mvn clean package
- build container
docker build --tag wilbur-camel:1 .
- run app container in DEV mode
docker run -p 8082:8082 -e ENV_APP="dev" wilbur-camel:1
- run app container in PROD mode
docker run -p 8082:8082 wilbur-camel:1
- after start application to analyze REST API with API DOC
To run application with Docker Compose
docker-compose up
- after start application to analyze REST API with API DOC
- build and tag image
docker build -t wilbur-camel:1 .
docker tag wilbur-camel:1 xwilburdev/camelapi:1
- login to Docker Hub
docker login --username=<username>
- push image to Docker Hub
docker push xwilburdev/camelapi:1