To prepare the development environment, ensure that all of Sufia's requirements are met, then:
git clone
cd aicdams-lakeshore
bundle install
bundle exec rake db:migrate
bundle exec rake aic:jetty:prep
bundle exec rake aic:jetty:solr_config
bundle exec rake jetty:start
To register all the namespaces with Fedora, with Fedora running
bundle exec rake fedora:config
To run the test suite
bundle exec rspec spec
Generate a keystore
keytool -keystore keystore -alias jetty -genkey -keyalg RSA
cp keystore jetty_config
Make sure the common name is set to localhost
or whatever is specified in fedora.yml
A cloned repo is deployed directly to the development server and run in development mode, i.e. not the usual way Capistrano is used.
bundle exec cap dev repo:clone
bundle exec cap dev repo:config
Deployed via Capistrano in the normal fashion:
bundle exec cap test deploy
Passenger is installed and deployed the same for all environments:
bundle exec cap dev passenger:install
bundle exec cap dev passenger:config