This is a full archieve of sunwatch version 2. 12/15/2024:
- This now includes full access to the backend portion of the app (PHP) including how i was authorizing myself to delete user's posts, view feedback, and submit changes to the changelog. It's kinda funny looking back how silly and insecure it is, but it held up great, did what i wanted, and damn was i proud of it when i made it.
- Deactivated my accuweather account and the v2 domain.. rip v2
Here are some images of the UI while it was still working. No images of the world page exist because windy was constantly changing location keys, and it got to the point where only one of them was active so it looked dumb lol
Gallery page - view user submissions from around the world, and the data associated with the ratings
This version of the project is now dead to me. version 3 is much improved, and you can view it all here If anyone would like to use code i've written here, please feel free. Any questions, comments, or concerns, email me [email protected]