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An easy way to use jQuery’s autocomplete with Rails 3.
Supports both ActiveRecord.
Works with Formtastic and SimpleForm
You can find a detailed example on how to use this gem with ActiveRecord here.
Make sure your project is using jQuery-UI and the autocomplete widget before you continue.
You can find more info about that here:
http://jquery.com/ http://jqueryui.com/demos/autocomplete/ http://loopj.com/jquery-tokeninput/ http://github.com/rails/jquery-ujs
I’d encourage you to understand how to use those 3 amazing tools before attempting to use this gem. Installing
Include the gem on your Gemfile
gem ‘autocomplete’
Install it
bundle install
Rails 3.1.x
Just add it to your layout javascript_include_tag “jquery.tokeninput.js”
stylesheet_link_tag ‘token-input’,‘token-input-facebook’,‘token-input-mac’
//= require jquery //= require jquery_ujs //= require jquery-ui
Usage :-
If you want to use this autocompletion means simply call the “autocompletion_field” helper into your view files.
This helper will automattically included in your view helpers
Before calling :-
you need to add below routes in routes.rb file.
match 'autocomplete' ,:to => 'autocomplete#autocomplete' , :as => :autocomplete
Then you should create file in config/initializer/auto_complete.rb,
In this you should create one constant call AUTO_COMPLETION_MAPPING then we need to create one hash with some name.
AUTO_COMPLETION_MAPPING = {:article_author => {:class_name => ‘Author’,
:search_query => '@site.authors', :name => 'article[author_ids]', :display_name => 'firstname', :search_field => 'firstname', :value=> 'id'} }
How to call :-
autocompletion_field(hash_name,options={}) :-
# Mandatory # :Hash name - This is the hash name which one you are defined in config/initializer/auto_complete.rb
In this hash some of the keys are mandatory :-
# :class_name - Which model you wnt to search # :search_query - which query you want to fire # :name - What is the name of the text field # :display_name - In auto completion which field you wnat to show. # :search_field - Which field you want to search # :value - which value you need sent to back end #options # :maximum_allowed - How many entry we need to allow in autocompletion (default :- 45) :allow_new - If you allow to create new entry (default :-false)
##### If allow new is true means :new_name is mandatory #######
:new_name - If we are creating new entry with different name.
#### If allow new is false we no need to mention ######
:default_selection - With enter any thing which content you need to show (defalut :- 'Please enter value') :null_message - If result is empty with text you need to show (default :-'No results') :sort - Sorting between entries (default :- false) :selected - Default selection (default :- []) :all_data - This autocompletion Based on ajax request,if you no need ajax type means we can define own hash like {:id =>"key",:name=>"name"},So it won't sent url it will search from this hash only. :instance_variables_to_set_and_quey - Some of instance we want to fire a query like @site.articles.by_category(@category),inthis case we need @category so we can give [["@category","Category.find(params[:category_id])"],["@site","Site.find(session[:site_id])"]].
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