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This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.

Live Demo

Steps to run the app

Switch to root folder

cd react_hour_selector

Install react environment and modules

npm install create-react-app npm install

Run the app

npm start

Check browser


Component Specification

  • react-calendar Props date: Date // default date selected selectCalendar(date: Date): void // callback when a date is selected State date: Date // current date selected

  • hour-selector Props defaultDate: Date // default date selected widthLevel: Number // number of hours available in the scaler window on each side of the pointer, 3+ State date: Date // current date selected dateStr: String // formatted date string corresponding to date selected showCalendar: boolean // whether calendar select is shown leftOffset: Number // offset of the scale as it is dragged horizontally

App Implementation

Environment Establishment

We use create-react-app module to establish the running environment of this app. We use font-awesome for the avatar of calendar picker.

Calendar Selection

There are a lot of date time picker node modules for react available on the web. I've tried several of these modules, such as react-datepicker, react-date-picker, and react-datetime-picker. None of them are perfect for our use case. Since their implementations are all based on react-calendar, in this app, we implement our own customized date selector. Some usability problems are handled: when clicking on the background, or when a date is selected, the calendar body is hidden. By focusing on the text field for date, or clicking on avatar, the calendar body is shown.

Scaler Implementation

The scaler for hours is implemented by setting border color of two adjacent rows of cells of a table, that is, the border-bottom of the upper row and the border-top of the lower row, as well as left and right border of both upper and lower rows, are set to black. Width of each cell is set to a fixed pixel value, so that we are able to calculate hours based on position offset when dragging. Since there will be about 2000 hours in the scaler, the table should be overflowed. We set overflow property to hidden, to make a visible scaler window within the div block for the app.

  • Dragging (Function Removed due to Adjustment) As we drag horizontally within the scaler window, the position offset by the mouse can be detected by calculating the difference between its current pageX value to the one when a mouse down event occurs. With the position offset, we can dynamically set the absolute left offset of the ruler table, by setting react state to a new value. Then the ruler re-renders as we drag along the way. The actual offset as we stop dragging is handled as if we are always staying at an hour value exactly, instead of at any space between two hours. This is realized by rounding the number of hours moved.

  • Clicking an Hour When clicking on an hour on the scaler, the clicked hour is moved to the center of the scaler, that is where the pointer points at. The offset relative to the pointer is calculated to obtain the actual hour to be centered.

  • Select a Date When selecting a date from the calendar, the hour value centered is kept constant, while only date changes.

  • Current Hour The initial hour selected is set to 12. The scaler extends to 45 * 24 hours on both ends. A reference date is defined to be the date corresponding to the left most hour in the scaler. When a new date is selected, the reference date is updated, and will keep constant as we drag the scaler. Therefore, the current hour can be calculated based on reference date and the current offset.

  • Date Update As Current Hour Change When dragging by more than 24 hours, the current date will necessarily change. Therefore, it's necessary to set date state to reflect the current date, and bind the state to our date text field.


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