smscli is a command line for your phone. It’s kinda like a voice-less Siri.
To use:
Launch this project somewhere
Point a twilio number at it
Text “weather boston” to your Twilio number
Currently aceepting: “weather (location)” “weather forecast (location)” “weather tomorrow (location)”
location can equal a zipcode, city name or airport code.
Sports scores! “score Bruins” : BOS 4 NYR 2
Current date/time in a city! “time Stillwater” : “Currently 7:45pm 4/5/2013 in Stillwater, OK”
Latest tweet from a user! “@ClarkleSparkle” : “@ClarkleSparkle: zomg I love @TheBerls”
Current stock price! “stock $ZIP” : “14.65 (1 minute ago)
Math questions! “2 + 2” : “2 + 2 = 4”
Random number generator! “random 10” : “Random number between 1-10: 4”
Bill splitter (my personal favorite)! “split $125.50 by 4” : “20% tip: $37.65, 15% tip: $36.08”