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A haskell implementation of todo.txt

Build Status

This application was created as a series of blog posts to cover some of the concepts of Haskell. To go through the development process go here

Supported Features (0.4.8)

Note: Major rewrite in version 0.4, switched to an mtl style, making the code much cleaner. No real functional changes.

Color Support

If your terminal supports colors then context, projects, and keywords are specially colored.


$ todo add "Complete an example task +TodoExample"
New Task: Complete an example task
$ todo add "Do your homework by due:tomorrow"
New Task: Do your homework by due:2017-04-05

Supports the format descripted in the todo.txt format doc, including priority, start date, contexts and projects.

New: The command addx will do both an add and a complete in a single shot.

$ todo addx "An already completed task"
COMPLETED: An already completed task


$ todo list
1: Pick up milk @errands
2: Pick up eggs @errands
3: Pay Bills +LifeProblems
4: Pick up dog from vet
$ todo ls "Pick up"
1: Pick up milk @errands
2: Pick up eggs @errands
4: Pick up dog from vet
$ todo ls "Pick up" @errands
1: Pick up milk @errands
2: Pick up eggs @errands

The list command supports optional filters for contexts and projects. List will find matches that contain all filter options.

The listpriorty command is the same as list, filtering for only tasks with priorities.


$ todo list
1: Pick up milk @errands
2: Pick up eggs @errands
3: Pay Bills +LifeProblems
$ todo complete 2
Task Completed
$ todo list
1: Pick up milk @errands
2: Pay Bills +LifeProblems
$ cat todo.txt
Pick up milk @errands
Pay Bills +LifeProblems
x 2016-07-30 Pick up eggs @errands

The complete/done command will change an incomplete task to completed.

New: Now supports the ability to complete multiple tasks at once.

$ todo list
1: Pick up milk @errands
2: Pick up eggs @errands
3: Pay Bills +LifeProblems
$ todo complete 1 3
Pay Bills +LifeProblems
Pick up milk @errands
Complete (N/y)? y
Task Completed
$ cat todo.txt
2: Pick up eggs @errands
x 2018-04-26 Pick up milk @errands
x 2018-04-26 Pay Bills +LifeProblems


Ever forget to mark a task done and want to keep track of actual completion dates?

$ date
Tue Feb 15 11:02:54 AM CST 2022
$ todo list
1: Pick up milk @errands
2: Pick up eggs @errands
$ todo complete 2
Task Completed
$ todo list
1: Pick up milk @errands
$ cat todo.txt
Pick up milk @errands
x 2022-02-14 Pick up eggs @errands


$ todo
1: Do not complete this task
2: Complete this task
$ todo delete 1
Do not complete this task
Delete (N/y)? y
Task Deleted
$ todo
1: Complete this task
$ cat todo.txt
Complete this task

The delete command removes the incomplete task from your todo.txt file. Doesn't not mark complete, just deletes the entry.


$ todo
1: Complete this
$ todo append 1 "task tomorrow"
Updated Task: Complete this task tomorrow
$ todo prepend 1 "IMPORTANT"
Updated Task: IMPORTANT Complete this task tomorrow
$ todo replace 1 "Do stuff tomorrow"
Updated Task: Do stuff tomorrow
$ todo
1: Do stuff tomorrow


$ todo
1: Example Task
$ todo pri 1 a
Updated Priority
$ todo
1: (A) Example Task
$ todo pri 1
Updated Priority
$ todo
1: Example Task


$ todo
1: Example Task
$ todo complete 1
Task Completed
$ todo archive
Completed Tasks Archived
$ cat $HOME/todo.txt
$ cat $HOME/done.txt
x 2017-04-27 Example Task


$ todo
1: Example Task
2: Another Task
$ todo complete 1
Task Completed
$ todo report
Completed Tasks Archived
Report Created: 1 1
$ cat $HOME/report.txt
2017-04-27T13:40:35 1 1


$ todo all
1: Example Task
$ todo repeat 1
Task repeated
$ todo all
1: Example Task
2: x 2022-01-23 Example Task

Regular Expression Searches

$ todo
1: Example Task
2: Another Task
3: Pick up milk
4: Pick mike up from airport
$ todo search Task
1: Example Task
2: Another Task
$ todo search "mi(lk|ke)"
3: Pick up milk
4: Pick mike up from airport
$ todo search Task

Note: Regular expressions are handled by PCRE so perl regex, not POSIX.

Regular Epxression Swaps

$ todo
1: Pick mike up from airport
$ todo swap "mike up" "up Mike"
Updated Task: Pick up Mike from airport

You can even use indexed groups.

$ todo
1: Pick up Mike from airport
$ todo swap "(Mike)" "@\1"
Updated Task: Pick up @Mike from airport

Or change due dates.

$ todo
1: Pick up milk due:2017-06-14
$ todo swap 1 "due:.*" "due:tomorrow"
Updated Task: Pick up milk due:2017-06-15


$ todo add "Something for today due:today at:2340"
ADDED: Something for today due:2022-01-24 at:2340
$ todo today
Today: 2022-01-24
1: Something for today due:2022-01-24 at:2340


$ todo standup
Completed 2022-01-24
(A) 2022-01-21 Pay $50 Bill
2021-12-31 Activate Hulu account due:2022-01-01 t:2022-01-01
2022-01-24 Fix indexing when addon path not added +todohs +bug

Due 2022-01-25
5: 2021-12-02 Call about rental due:2022-01-25

An optional priority letter can be added to incorportate a minimum priort to include to lists, not just based on due date.

$ todo standup B
Completed 2022-01-24
(A) 2022-01-21 Pay $50 Bill
2021-12-31 Activate Hulu account due:2022-01-01 t:2022-01-01
2022-01-24 Fix indexing when addon path not added +todohs +bug

Due 2022-01-25
5: 2021-12-02 Call about rental due:2022-01-25

1: (A) A really important task
2: (B) A less important task


The project now supports addons. The todo.txt file is defined with the environment variable TODO_PATH.

CNT=$(cat "${TODO_PATH}" | grep -v "^x " | wc -l)
CNT_DONE=$(cat "${TODO_PATH}" | grep "^x " | wc -l)
echo "Task Count: ${CNT} active, ${CNT_DONE} completed"
exit 0

To get a list of addons use the listAddon command.

$ todo -S /home/user/.addons listAddons
$ todo -S /home/user/.addons counts
Task Count: 5 active, 3 completed