Welcome to the SpaceElevator project! a virtual tour and booking application for exploring celestial bodies in our solar system. This repository contains the source code for a Flutter-based mobile application that offers an immersive space exploration experience.
SpaceElevator is a Flutter-based mobile application that offers an exciting space elevator simulation experience. This project aims to provide users with a glimpse into the future of space travel, where they can embark on a virtual journey to the cosmos.
- Exploration: Embark on virtual tours of celestial bodies in the solar system.
- Detailed Brochures: Access detailed and informative brochures for each celestial body.
- Booking: Reserve your spot for upcoming space tours and provide essential information.
Before you begin, ensure you have the following prerequisites:
- Flutter: Make sure you have Flutter installed. If not, follow the official Flutter installation guide.
To get SpaceElevator up and running on your local machine, follow these steps:
Clone this repository to your local machine:
git clone https://github.com/sandeepsreekumar4067/SpaceElevator.git
Navigate to the project directory:
cd SpaceElevator
Install the project dependencies:
flutter pub get
Run the application on your preferred emulator or physical device:
flutter run
Upon launching the app, you can select celestial bodies from our solar system to explore. Click on a celestial body to access detailed brochures with information about its features, history, and more. Immerse yourself in a virtual tour of these fascinating worlds.
For those ready to embark on a real-life space tour, Solar System Tours offers a booking feature. Provide your personal information, select your desired celestial destination, and confirm your booking. Get ready to experience space like never before!
The project is organized into several key components:
- lib: Contains the main Flutter application code.
- assets: Stores assets, including images, videos, and other multimedia resources.
- test: Includes test cases and unit tests for the application.
We welcome contributions from the open-source community. If you'd like to contribute to SpaceElevator, please follow our contribution guidelines to get started. Whether you want to improve the code, enhance the user experience, or fix bugs, your contributions are highly appreciated.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. For details, please see the LICENSE file.