Generate card decks for Tabletop Simulator.
Inspired by decker and Frogtown.
Generate a Tabletop Simulator deck with thumbnail from an existing website or file.
Import from the following website:
Import from the following files:
Available as a command-line application and a GUI (built using Fyne).
Ability to customize the back of the cards.
No external tool required. You just need to run the provided executable.
Support for transform and meld cards. Implemented using states (press 1 or 2 to switch between states).
Sideboard and Maybeboard support.
Oversized card support (they'll appear twice as big as standard cards).
Template mode
By default, each card will have it's own image, retrieved from Scryfall, YGOPRODeck or
It's also possible to create a card sheet template (like what decker is doing). The template can be uploaded to Imgur automatically, or you can upload it manually to an image hosting site and update theFaceURL
values in the deck's JSON file.
- Windows 7 or later
- macOS 10.11 or later
- Linux 2.6.23 or later
The latest version is available here.
Click on the topmost job, then download the appropriate package for your machine from the artifact list (e.g. tts-deckconverter-gui-windows-amd64
for the Windows GUI or tts-deckconverter-windows-amd64
for the Windows command-line interface).
You can just run the program, no installation is required.
Go 1.13 or newer is required.
$ go build ./cmd/tts-deckconverter
This will generate an executable called tts-deckconverter
Install the dependencies required by Fyne, listed here.
$ go build ./cmd/tts-deckconverter-gui
This will generate an executable called tts-deckconverter-gui
$ ./tts-deckconverter -h
Usage: tts-deckconverter TARGET
-back string
card back (cannot be used with "-backURL"):
-backURL string
custom URL for the card backs (cannot be used with "-back")
-chest string
save to the Tabletop Simulator chest folder (use "/" for the root folder) (cannot be used with "-output")
don't indent the resulting JSON file
enable debug logging
-mode string
available modes: mtg, pkm, ygo
-option value
plugin specific option (can have multiple)
quality (enum): image quality (default: large)
rulings (bool): add the rulings to each card description (default: false)
quality (enum): image quality (default: hires)
ygo: no option available
-output string
destination folder (defaults to the current folder) (cannot be used with "-chest")
download each images and create a deck template instead of referring to each image individually
display the version information
Angelic Arrmy.json
under the TTS Saved Objects folder (%USERPROFILE%/Documents/My Games/Tabletop Simulator/Saves/Saved Objects
on Windows):tts-deckconverter -chest /
Test Deck.json
under thedecks
folder:$ tts-deckconverter -mode mtg -output decks "Test Deck.txt"
Starter Deck: Codebreaker.json
under theYGO/Starter
folder in the TTS Saved Objects:$ tts-deckconverter -chest /YGO/Starter "Starter Deck: Codebreaker.ydk"
Icon and card backs created using the YGO Card Template (© 2017 - 2020 HolyCrapWhiteDragon).