Caelus is the open source tool for plane spotters and aviation enthusiasts. Caelus will profile flight data at your local airport(s) and notify you if something unusual is arriving or departing.
Planned alerts include:
- Interesting aircraft types
- Known interesting livery
- Unusual airlines
This application is still in early development, that said it will take some tinerking to get it to work for the time being.
- A postgres server with database and user with permissions to create tables and write to that database
- An AviationStack API key
After you have this, create config/config.secret.exs
with the following contents:
use Mix.Config
config :caelus,
aviation_stack_api_key: "YOUR AVIATION STACK KEY HERE"
Then create config/prod.secret.exs
with the following contents:
use Mix.Config
config :caelus, CaelusWeb.Endpoint,
# Configure your database
config :caelus, Caelus.Repo,
adapter: Ecto.Adapters.Postgres,
username: "YOUR USERNAME",
password: "YOUR PASSWORD",
database: "YOUR DB NAME",
hostname: "YOUR DB HOSTNAME"
Next run the following commands:
MIX_ENV=prod PORT=4040 mix ecto.migrate
MIX_ENV=prod PORT=4040 mix deps.get
MIX_ENV=prod PORT=4040 mix phx.server
You should see some debug output indicating that things are working! By default the scraper will only run once every 24 hours so expect to not see anything for a long time after you start it!
While Caelus is definitely not production ready, you can run it in a "production-like" way by building a docker image using the included Dockerfile
. With that you can run it on some machine that runs docker containers with restart=always
. More details will be included here once Caelus moves closer to any sort of "release".