##SimCity201 Project Repository
###Team Information
Name: Tam Henry Le Nguyen
- USC Email: [email protected]
- USC ID: 6154285255
Name: Kristi Hupka
- USC Email: [email protected]
- USC ID: 4609916936
Name: Josh Greenberger
- USC Email: [email protected]
- USC ID: 2189996682
Name: Carmen Tan
- USC Email: [email protected]
- USC ID: 1542023032
Name: Nishant Srikanthan (Team Leader)
- USC Email: [email protected]
###Mentor Information
- Name: Keith DeRuiter (The Best Mentor Ever)
- USC Email: [email protected]
###Design Documents and Interaction Diagrams
###How to Import File
- Please have Java and Eclipse installed on your computer.
- Please clone my repository (use Git Bash if Windows, terminal for Linux or Mac) which is "team20.git" in the usc-csci201-fall2013 directory
- Open Eclipse
- File -> New -> Java Project(if Java Project isn't visible, Project->Java Project)
- Uncheck "Use Default Location"
- Click on Browse Button
- Navigate to git repository that you cloned earlier (Should be team20)
- Press Finish
- Left Click on Project Folder in Package Explorer
- Go to Add Library
- Add JUnit
- Click Next
- Choose JUnit Library Version 3
- Click Finish
###Work By Individual (V1)
Tam Henry Le Nguyen
- Designed and implemented Person Abstract Class
- Designed and implemented Wealthy Sub Class
- Designed and implemented Deadbeat Sub Class
- Designed and implemented Crook Sub Class
- Designed and implemented Worker Sub Class
- Designed and implemented Phonebook Reference
- README file
- Implemented Roles system
- Designed and implemented all Housing Agents and Code
- Designed and implemented Maintenance Worker Role
- Designed and implemented Rent paying system with mailbox
- Designed and implemented Housing Phonebook Reference
- Designed and implemented how housing and population would work
- Created Housing Maintenance Interface
- Created the Mainteance Worker & Rent Paying System Test
- Editted and Formatted the Group Wiki
- Designed and implemented Alternative Waiter (Shared Data)
- Designed and implemented Revolving Stand
- Adapted and integrated Kristi's restaurant into the City
- Created and adapted Trace Panel and corresponding print functions (with the right tag's)
- Created Add Person Panel to dynamically figure out what information is necessary to display
- Fix Info Panel to dynamically figure out what information is necessary to display
- Fixed List Panel Size
Kristi Hupka
- Rave Mode
- Designed and implemented Person Abstract Class
- Designed and implemented Wealthy Sub Class
- Designed and implemented Deadbeat Sub Class
- Designed and implemented Crook Sub Class
- Designed and implemented Worker Sub Class
- Designed and implemented Singleton Phonebook Reference
- Designed and implemented Singleton Time System
- Designed a TimeWatch class for Person to deal with time
- Implemented Roles system
- Designed and implemented all Market Agents and Code
- Designed and implemented Market Customer
- Designed and implemented Market Runner
- Designed and implemented Sales Person
- Designed and implemented UPS Man
- Created Interfaces for all of the above roles
- Created Mocks for all of the above roles
- Created tests for all of the above roles
- Designed and implemented Restaurant and Market Business Interaction
- Figured out the local image/how to show images
- Created Application file
- Changed the Build file for it to work on other computers
- Designed and implemented Restaurant Phonebook Reference
- Integrated Restaurant into City
- Created Design Documents
- Combined Add Panel and Dashboard Panel
- Put Trace Panel into Gui
- Fixed Linked Building and clickable City Views in Animation Panel for cardLayout
- Implemented animated restaurant building GUI
- Fixed scrollbar on Infomation Panel
- Set up initial project packages with agent and test code
- All transportation GUI
- Transportation collisions
- Managed team meetings
Josh Greenberger
- Rave Mode
- Designed and implemented Person Abstract Class
- Designed and implemented Wealthy Sub Class
- Designed and implemented Deadbeat Sub Class
- Designed and implemented Crook Sub Class
- Designed and implemented Worker Sub Class
- Designed and implemented Phonebook Reference
- Implemented Roles system
- Designed and implemented how shift times for all roles would work
- Designed going to Work system
- Designed the best system for interaction between Person, subclasses, and all of the roles
- Designed and implemented all Bank related Agents and Code
- Designed and implemented Phonebook reference for Bank
- Designed and implemented Banking System (Loans, Account Balances, etc)
- Designed and implemented Bank Customer Role
- Designed and implemented Bank Guard Role
- Designed and implemented Bank Teller Role
- Designed and implemented Loan Officer Role
- Created Interfaces for all of the above roles
- Created Mocks for all of the above roles
- Created tests for all of the above roles
- Designed how Phonebook can check if something is Open
- Enhanced Phonebook to be used for tests
Carmen Tan
- Created Design Documents for Individual Businesses
- Created interaction diagrams for all the different businesses (Bank, etc.)
- Designed Renter, Landlord Interactions in Housing
- Designed and implemented all functions for Person agent guis
- Designed and implemented all functions for Role guis
- Designed and implemented layouts and visual designs for building and city Views
- Made Person, Car, and Bus Guis move in City Guis according to their location
- Made Guis disappear (change color) when reached destination in city View
- Linked Building and clickable City Views in Animation Panel
- Linked Building Guis with the City Guis (when person animation stops, inner building animation start)
- Adapted Person and Role classes to fit in Guis
- Adapted individual Role classes (specific to the Business) to fit the Guis
- Initialized Transportation (Bus, Car) Agents
- Modified Application file to set and initialize Guis with the agents methods
- Created function for future dynamic business and building creation in the gui
Nishant Srikanthan (Team Leader)
- Gui aside from animation
- Application panel initialization
- Transportation design
###How To Run Scenarios (V1)
- Simply press the Green Play Button in the Tool Bar (ApplicationGui.Java)
- Alternatively, you can right click "ApplicationGui.Java" and hit "Run As -> Java Application"
- The program will immediately run and go through all the scenario's. In order to easily see each scenario, go to the "TracePanel" tab. Here you can see the different scenario's running with print statements. The General City Print Statements show by default, whereas all the other type of print statements are hidden. You can hide the General City Print Statements, and click to show another scenario's print statements in order to see the different scenarios running.
- Since we have implemented all the main scenarios, we have not implemented a configuration file under the time constraints. However all normative scenerios can be tracked via the Trace Panel.
- We recommend restarting the application each time.
- In order to run the test cases, please open the respective directory (market.test, bank.test, restaurant.test, housing.test), right click the test you want to run, and run as JUNIT test.
###Unimplemented/Not Working (V1)
- There is currently no busing system/roads/cars. Everyone walks.
- Apartment/Housing Related GUI not finished
- Only Kristi's restaurant has been integrated
- Integrated but unimplemented GUI for Bank & Market
- Crooks/Deadbeats/Non Norm's
- Configuration File
###How To Run Scenarios (V2)
- Press a scenario to run under the Run Scenario Tab
- Pressing immediately is recommended in order to see results (before the day is over)
- We have only added scenario A so far
- Pressing Stop Scenario ends the scenario by exiting application
###Unimplemented/Not Working (V2)
- Not all restaurants are working
- No Cars