Written by [email protected] If you find this useful: 1ZnortsoStC1zSTXbW6CUtkvqew8czMMG
A fairly fast, quick and dirty bitcoin whole blockchain parser.
- Few dependencies: openssl-dev, boost, libsparsehash-dev
- Very quickly extract information from the entire blockchain.
- Code is simple and helps to understand how the data structure underlying bitcoin works.
- Turn your x86-64 Ubuntu box on
- Make sure you have an up to date satoshi client blockchain in ~/.bitcoin
- Run this:
sudo apt-get install libssl-dev build-essential g++-4.4 git-core perl sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev libsparsehash-dev git clone git://github.com/jcomeauictx/blockparser.git cd blockparser make
- Compute simple blockchain stats, full chain parse (< 1 second) ./parser simpleStats
- Extract all transactions for popular address 1dice6wBxymYi3t94heUAG6MpG5eceLG1 ./parser transactions 06f1b66fa14429389cbffa656966993eab656f37
- Compute the closure of an address, that is the list of addresses that provably belong to the same person: ./parser closure 06f1b66fa14429389cbffa656966993eab656f37
- Compute and print the balance for all keys ever used in a TX since the beginning of time: ./parser allBalances >allBalances.txt
- See how much of the BTC 10K pizza tainted each of the TX in the chain ./parser taint >pizzaTaint.txt
- See all the block rewards and fees: ./parser rewards >rewards.txt
- See a greatly detailed dump of the pizza transaction ./parser show
- You need an x86-84 Debian or Ubuntu box and a recent version of GCC(>=4.4), recent versions of boost and openssl-dev. The whole thing is very unlikely to work or even compile on anything else.
- It needs quite a bit of RAM to work. Never exactly measured how much, but the hash maps will grow quite fat. I might switch them to something different that spills over to disk at some point. For now: it works fine with 8 Gigs.
- The code isn't particularly clean or well architected. It was just a quick way for me to learn about bitcoin. There isnt much in the way of comments either.
- OTOH, it is fairly simple, short, and efficient. If you want to understand how the blockchain data structure works, the code in parser.cpp is a solid way to start.
parser.cpp contains a generic parser that mmaps the blockchain, parses it and calls "user-defined" callbacks as it hits interesting bits of information.
util.cpp contains a grab-bag of useful bitcoin related routines. Interesting examples include: showScript getBaseReward solveOutputScript decompressPublicKey
cb/allBalances.cpp: all balance of all addresses.
cb/closure.cpp: compute the transitive closure of an address
cb/csv.cpp: product a CSV dump of the blockchain
cb/dumpTX.cpp: display a transaction in very great detail
cb/help.cpp: dump detailed help for all other commands
cb/pristine.cpp: show all "pristine" (i.e. unspent) blocks
cb/rewards.cpp: show all block rewards (including fees)
cb/simpleStats.cpp: compute simple stats.
cb/sql.cpp: produce an SQL dump of the blockchain
cb/taint.cpp: compute the taint from a given TX to all TXs.
cb/transactions.cpp: extract all transactions containing an address.
You can very easily add your own custom command. You can use the existing callbacks in directory ./cb/ as a template to build your own:
- cp cb/allBalances.cpp cb/myExtractor.cpp
- Hack away
- Recompile
- Run
You can also read the file callback.h (the base class from which you derive to implement your own new commands). It has been heavily commented and should provide a good basis to pick what to overload to achieve your goal.
The code makes heavy use of the google dense hash maps. You can switch it to use sparse hash maps (see util.h, search for: DENSE, undef it). Sparse hash maps are slower but save quite a bit of RAM.
Code is in the public domain.