Pintor is a small package to colorize text output in your Command Line applications. Pintor applies ANSI escape sequences to modify text.
- Install Pintor
$ go get -u
- Import it in your code
import ""
Start by creating a formatter object passing the foreground and background colors, and modifiers as parameters. Then apply the format to a string, which will be properly ANSI escaped to print using the desired colors and modifiers.
package main
import (
func main() {
red := pintor.NewFormatter(pintor.Red, 0, 0)
textColoredRed := red.Format("This text is red")
blue := pintor.NewFormatter(pintor.Blue, 0, 0)
fmt.Println(blue.Format("This text is blue"))
fmt.Println(red.Format("This text is also red"))
whiteMagentaB := pintor.NewFormatter(pintor.White, pintor.Magenta, pintor.Bold)
whiteMagentaB.Format("This text is bold, colored white, magenta foreground"),
cyanBI := pintor.NewFormatter(pintor.Cyan, pintor.Default, pintor.Bold|pintor.Italic)
cyanBI.Format("This text is bold and italic, colored cyan, default background"),
Will provide output similar to this
You can run a small demo that displays foreground, background and modifiers combinations, by executing at the root of the repository:
go run examples/main.go