"An automatic dog feeder that uses the Dabble API to interface a smart phone/tablet with an Arduino using Bluetooth."
This project was developed for Mech 144 at Santa Clara Univeristy. It is a smart device that uses an arduino uno, DSD TECH HM-10 Bluetooth 4.0 BLE, and a sevro that functions as a automatic dog feeder. It is controlled by a text based app using the Dabble IOS/Android terminal module. The app allows the user to wirless communcation and the ability to customize the device's settings. This includes
- Changing the amount of food being fed: 1 or 2 cups.
- Changing if the device is in autofeed or alert mode. Autofeed will automatically feed the dog without users approval while alert mode asks for users approval to feed.
- Changing the clock within the device to allow for full 24 hour automation.
- Manual Feeding Option.
- Proof of Concept: Demonstrates the testing code
- Feeding Number 1: Demonstrates the final code)
- Feeding Number 2: Demonstrates the final code)