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Search Strategies

Alexander Kohan edited this page Feb 2, 2023 · 5 revisions

JPF Top-level Design

JPF was designed around two major abstractions: (1) the VM, and (2) the Search component.

Virtual Machine (VM)

The VM is the state generator. By executing bytecode instructions, the VM generates state representations that can be

  • checked for equality (if a state has been visited before)
  • queried (thread states, data values etc.)
  • stored
  • restored

The main VM parameterizations are classes that implement the state management (matching, storing, backtracking). Most of the execution scheme is delegated to SystemState, which in turn uses Scheduler to generate scheduling sequences of interest.

There are three key methods of the VM employed by the Search component:

  • forward - generate the next state, report if the generated state has a successor. If yes, store on a backtrack stack for efficient restoration.
  • backtrack - restore the last state on the backtrack stack
  • restoreState - restore an arbitrary state (not necessarily on the backtrack stack)

Figure: JPF top-level design{align=center width=720}

Search Strategy

At any state, the Search component is responsible for selecting the next state from which the VM should proceed, either by directing the VM to generate the next state (forward), or by telling it to backtrack to a previously generated one (backtrack). The Search component works as a driver for the VM.

The Search component can be configured to check for certain properties by evaluating property objects (e.g. NotDeadlockedProperty, NoAssertionsViolatedProperty).

The object encapsulating this component includes a search method which implements a strategy used to traverse the state space. The state space exploration continues until it is completely explored, or a property violation is found. The Search component can be configured to use different strategies, such as depth-first search (DFSearch), and priority-queue based search that can be parameterized to do various search types based on selecting the most interesting state out of the set of all successors of a given state (HeuristicSearch).

Package Structure

The structure of the GitHub repository looks as follows:


  • src/annotations contains the declarations of JPF annotations

  • src/classes contains the model (library) classes, including those accessing native code via the MJI (Model Java Interface)

  • src/examples contains some Java classes with corresponding jpf configuration files. These can be model checked by the JPF VM

  • src/main contains the implementation of the JPF core

  • src/peers contains the peer classes corresponding to the native classes present in src/classes

  • src/tests contains Unit tests for the JPF core

The implementation of the JPF core is partitioned into the following packages:


The main responsibility of this package is configuration and instantiation of the core JPF objects, namely the Search and VM. The configuration itself is encapsulated by the Config class, which contains various methods to create objects or read values from a hierarchy of property files and command line options (see Configuring JPF Runtime Options). Beyond the configuration, the JPF object has little own functionality. It is mainly a convenience construct to start JPF from inside a Java application without having to bother with its complex configuration.


This package constitutes the main body of the core code, including the various constructs that implement the Java state generator. Conceptually, the major class is VM, but again this class delegates most of the work to a set of second level classes that together implement the major functionality of JPF. These classes can be roughly divided into three categories:

(1) class management - classes are encapsulated by ClassInfo which mostly includes invariant information about fields and methods captured by FieldInfo and MethodInfo, respectively.

(2) object model - all object data in JPF is stored as integer arrays encapsulated by Fields objects. The execution specific lock state of objects is captured by Monitor instances. Fields and Monitor instances together form the objects, which are stored as ElementInfo. The heap contains a dynamic array of ElementInfo objects where the array indices being used as object reference values

(3) bytecode execution - the execution of bytecode instructions is performed through a collaboration of SystemState and ThreadInfo, which is also delegated to policy objects implementing the partial order reduction (POR). It starts with the VM object calling SystemState.nextSuccessor(), which descends into ThreadInfo.executeStep() (together, these two methods encapsulate the on-the-fly POR), which in turn calls ThreadInfo.executeInstruction() to perform the bytecode execution. The actual execution is again delegated to bytecode specific Instruction instances that per default reside in a sub-package gov.nasa.jpf.vm.bytecode (the set of bytecode classes to use can be configured via a InstructionFactory class which allows the user to define a different execution semantics)

This package is relatively small and mainly contains the Search class, which is an abstract base for search policies. The major method that encapsulates the policy is, which is the VM driver (that calls the methodsforward, backtrack and restore). This package also contains the plain-vanilla depth-first search policy DFSearch. More policies can be found in the sub-package, which uses a HeuristicSearch class in conjunction with configurable heuristic objects to prioritize a queue of potential successor states.

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