Web3 Implementation of the 2048 Game running on Manta Pacific Sepolia Testnet.
The board is shared among all players worldwide. Everyone have the chance to win ETH from the Prize Pool once you reach a certain number for the first time!
👉 Try it now 👈forge test -vv
forge script script/Web3Game2048.s.sol:Web3Game2048Script --broadcast --verify
- Run the test to make sure it all passed
- Create
file based on.env.sample
- Deploy the solidity smart contract using the script
First, open frontend folder and run the development server:
cd frontend
Setup `.env` from `.env.sample`
npm run dev
npm run build
npm run start
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.
Name: Jason Yapri
Website: https://jasonyapri.com
LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/jasonyapri/