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There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.

can't reproduce
can't reproduce
Needs repro instructions
category: accessibility
category: accessibility
Accessibility and shortcuts
category: app shell
category: app shell
Installation, updater, global application issues
category: assistants
category: assistants
Assistants UI UX issues
category: cortex.cpp
category: cortex.cpp
Related to cortex.cpp
category: local API server
category: local API server
Server page UI UX
category: mobile
category: mobile
Mobile application issues
category: model hub
category: model hub
Built in models, latest HF models page
category: model settings
category: model settings
Inference params, presets, templates
category: model support
category: model support
Support new model, or fix broken model
category: multimodal
category: multimodal
Vision, audio, video, etc
category: observability
category: observability
Logs, telemetry, crash reports
category: providers
category: providers
Local & remote inference providers
category: settings
category: settings
Settings, system monitoring components
category: tests
category: tests
Automated testing
category: threads & chat
category: threads & chat
Threads & chat UI UX issues
category: tools
category: tools
RAG, web search, files, function calling
This issue or pull request already exists
good first issue
good first issue
Good for newcomers
needs comms
needs comms
Needs to communicate changes/issue to users
needs designs
needs designs
Needs designs
needs eng decision
needs eng decision
Needs product or engineering specs
needs info
needs info
Not enough info, more logs/data required
needs pm
needs pm
Feature request is not clear, needs product decisions
needs verification
needs verification
Needs to be verified, unsure if true
os: linux
os: linux
Linux issues
os: mac
os: mac
Mac issues
os: windows
os: windows
Windows issues
P0: critical
P0: critical
Mission critical
P1: important
P1: important
Important feature / fix