This project is in flux, readme is old. Currently in flux enough that directions to boot up locally/clone are old & probably won't work. If you have a dash and are interested in using anything reach out directly :)
DEMO: 2-min functionality demo
Drive The Dash
is an experimental website that is designed to be cloned & run locally over wifi & allow people with a Wonder Workshop Dash robot to have fun driving their robot over the web, and learn however much they want to learn about web development.
For instance, a teacher could clone and run the site locally, and a classroom of students could take turns connecting to the robot, but also exploring the Dev Portal, doing the challenges on each page, etc.
Open a terminal, clone this repo, cd into it, and run './'. Assumes you have pip and npm.
Downside to this is that if anything goes wrong it will be a pain to end all the processes manually (lsof -i :<ports (3000,3001,5555)>
& then manually kill <pid>
for each process is how I've gotten out of it).
clone this repo, cd into it
npm install
npm start # start the front end
cd server # I often make a new terminal so I then have two terminal instances
npm install
npm start # start the back end
cd ..
cd bleak-dash # I often make a new terminal instance...
# conda create --name RobotEnv python=3.10 # Optional step (3.8 & above should be fine I use 3.10)
# conda activate RobotEnv
pip install -r requirements.txt
Finally, launch a browser & go to youripaddress:3001. In a group setting, you can find the ipaddress of the host (ifconfig en0 | grep inet
on mac) and then others should be able to connect (unless security things I don't understand prevents you)
- Typescript
- Express backend
- React front-end
- SQLite database
- Also:
- Swagger auto-generated docs from .yaml file
- table
- Flask app supporting Bleak (bluetooth protocol) Dash Robot API
- really amazing API, was what I started with, but how I did it at least it needs linux + python2.7
- Built on the above I think? Gained cross-platform portability & ease of boot-up.
- Pro:
- gave me boilerplate I didn't want to write & connected front and backend for me
- made some architecture decisions (that I didn't have strong opinions on anyways & would have been anxious to make myself) for me
- Con:
- Added bloat of files I don't totally understand
- Ex: webpack warnings I can't seem to get rid of
- stuck with architecture decisions I didn't even make!
- Added bloat of files I don't totally understand
- Pro:
- Dash Robot
- Really can't complain, this was a pretty big risk to incorporate something so out of left field. It definitely introduced complications & even now I don't handle all the errors from the device itself completely gracefully but it did make the project fun
- pretty cool device overall, would recommend 10/10 (they're ~$40 on ebay)
- Webcam
- Would be cool, but just didn't get to it
- Deploying
- Scope of project shifted to making something designed to be pulled down and run locally
- Very fun exploring open source Wonder Workshops Dash ecosystem
- Gained familiarity with all the technologies (all pretty new to me)
- Actually implementing things like middleware and authorization were useful exercises & reinforced my limited understanding
- Focusing on the use-case of potentially making something a teacher could use in a lesson was a really helpful framework that helped me narrow the scope and get this finished.
- css: pick one strategy and stick to it!
- I deferred making decisions on how I would style things, but then as I built I accumulated different styles of css from the template app I started from, chatGPT suggestions, and my own naive messing around. It was no fun.
- Separation of content from code
- I tried at one point to make it so you could write .md files and then basically feed them into react, but I had already started doing things more naively (just with raw text) and it was a little harder than I thought, so I gave up. Next time I do anything like this I'll make sure I have that functionality
- make a website you can actually put on the web
- This was fun, and I hope someday someone with a Dash finds it and uses it and learns something. It does feel a little stupid to have made a website that pretty much couldn't possibly be deployed without being a huge pain in the butt.
- finish the Dev Portal
- research into existing unofficial APIs
- get robot to turn both ways (currently only turns one way...)
- Complementary static webpage for project?