I'm Jaime Dantas, a cloud computing specialist.
- FIIZ TAX - automated system for financial transaction tax calculation in the Brazilian stock exchange B3 with 100+ active users.
- DC Control - data center environment and access control with several successful cases.
- Differential privacy and k-anonymity for machine learning
- Creating your very first microservice with Micronaut and Kotlin
- Stochastic gradient descent implementation for SoftSVM
- Reasons why surrogate loss functions are pivotal for classification in machine learning
- The importance of k-fold cross-validation for model prediction in machine learning
- In-depth analysis of the regularized least-squares algorithm over the empirical risk minimization
- The five reasons why distributed architectures powered by Kafka overpass classical software designs
- Water rocket with automatic parachute deployment using recycling materials
- DC Control: a robust low-cost SNMP agent for data centers
- How to host your Angular APP with Firebase for FREE in just 2 minutes